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Theoretical Studies of Electronically Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Chemical Reaction Dynamics


Bowman, Joel Mark (1975) Theoretical Studies of Electronically Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Chemical Reaction Dynamics. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/6F8N-ZE84.


Part I presents several sets of comparisons of semi-classical, quasi-classical and exact quantum reactive scattering calculations for collinear chemical reactions. The possibility of modifying the standard quasi-classical method according to a quantum criterion is investigated. The systems studied are H + H_2, F + H_2, and F + D_2. In addition, a theoretical investigation of the semi-classical S matrix is made.

Details of a quasi-classical current density analysis of the H + H_2 reaction are presented and a comparison with exact quantum results is made.

A direct test of two versions of the vibrationally adiabatic theory of chemical reactions is made in Part II for the H + H_2 reaction. The adiabaticity of the symmetric stretch motion of the H_3 transition state is focussed upon. In addition, a determination of the completeness of adiabatic basis sets for scattering calculations is made.

The theory of electronically non-adiabatic chemical reactions is presented in Part III. Quantum calculations of the collinear H^+ + H_2 → H_2 + H^+ reaction are described. A model and a realistic potential energy surface are employed in these calculations.

A fictitious electronically non-adiabatic H + H_2 collinear chemical reaction is treated quantum mechanically. Two potential energy surfaces and a coupling surface are developed for this purpose.

The reaction Ba(^1S) + ON_2(X^1Σ) → BaO(X^1Σ) + N_2(X^1Σ^+_g), BaO(a^3II) + N_2(X^1Σ^+_g) is studied quantum mechanically. The singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces are devised as is a spin-orbit coupling surface. Electronically adiabatic and non-adiabatic transition probabilities are calculated as a function of the initial translational energy of the reagents.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:(Chemistry)
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Major Option:Chemistry
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Kuppermann, Aron
Thesis Committee:
  • Unknown, Unknown
Defense Date:18 September 1974
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:02142012-112644269
Persistent URL:
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:6820
Deposited By: Benjamin Perez
Deposited On:14 Feb 2012 21:19
Last Modified:02 Aug 2024 19:58

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