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Thermomechanical Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystal Elastomers


Kutsyy, Alice (2024) Thermomechanical Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystal Elastomers. Senior thesis (Major), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/tm72-yw88.


Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are materials formed by cross-linking crystal mesogens into a flexible polymer network, and they display soft behavior and undergo large, reversible strains. The mesogenic order determines material properties, causing coupling between temperature, liquid crystalline order, and deformation, which leads to temperature-based actuation. LCEs have important applications in soft robotics and medical devices, so attempts have been made to theoretically model their behavior in order to develop new use cases. One such model, developed by Lee (2021), identifies regions of liquid crystal orientation and has agreed with initial experimental data (Lee et al., 2023). This thesis aims to characterize the behavior of isotropic-genesis polydomain LCEs across various temperatures, strain rates, and crosslinking densities and further test the model by comparing the experimental data against it.

Tensile tests were run across five strain rates (10⁻¹/s, 5×10⁻²/s, 10⁻²/s, 5×10⁻³/s, 10⁻³/s), three temperatures (26◦C, 55◦C, 90◦C), and two crosslinking densities (50 mol%, 25 mol%). A custom tensile rig with a heated chamber made by Lee (2021) was modified for the purpose of this thesis to allow for digital image correlation and trials across temperatures.

These tensile tests revealed that stiffness increased with faster strain rates, and, as temperature increased, soft behavior was reduced at 55◦C and vanished at above the nematic transition temperature. Additionally, residual strain decreased with increasing temperature, at ∼1.5 at 26◦C, ∼0.75 at 55◦C, and ∼0.1 at 90◦C. Reducing the crosslinking density more than doubled the strain at failure and drastically increased the region of soft behavior.

Experimental data across three strain rates (10⁻²/s, 5×10⁻³/s, 10⁻³/s), three temperatures, and at 50 mol% crosslinking density were compared against the model developed by Lee (2021). The soft behavior of the LCE was generally well characterized by the model, however, the model deviated from experimental data above two strain, as the Neo Hookean-based model was unable to capture strain hardening. Since higher temperature trials were run to lower strains, the model was able to better capture the full behavior of the LCE at higher temperatures, even with the loss of soft behavior at 90◦C. This model is therefore a useful tool for modeling LCE soft behavior across various temperatures.

Item Type:Thesis (Senior thesis (Major))
Subject Keywords:Liquid crystal elastomers; nematic elastomers; soft materials; active materials; material characterization
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Engineering and Applied Science
Major Option:Mechanical Engineering
Minor Option:Biology
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Bhattacharya, Kaushik
Thesis Committee:
  • None, None
Defense Date:7 June 2024
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:09072024-232739241
Persistent URL:
Kutsyy, Alice0009-0004-7970-1535
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:16703
Deposited By: Alice Kutsyy
Deposited On:09 Sep 2024 22:29
Last Modified:23 Sep 2024 19:24

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