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Towards High Fidelity Quantum Computation and Simulation with Rydberg Atoms


Kale, Anant M. (2020) Towards High Fidelity Quantum Computation and Simulation with Rydberg Atoms. Senior thesis (Major), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/8mee-md98.


Individually trapped neutral atoms are a promising candidate for use in quantum computing and simulation applications. They are highly scalable, have long coherence times and can be entangled via strong dipole-dipole interactions by driving to highly excited Rydberg states. However, the fidelity of single atom operations as well as two-atom entangling operations is limited by intrinsic sources of decoherence such as atomic motion, as well as technical sources of noise such as laser intensity fluctuations and phase/frequency fluctuations. We study the effect of these factors on single atom Rabi oscillations and two-atom Rydberg blockaded Rabi oscillations, using perturbation theory and numerical simulation. We develop a window function approach which helps us qualitatively understand the significance of the different spectral components of the noise as well as quantitatively understand the dependence of the Rabi oscillation fidelity on Rabi frequency. This allows us to predict the maximum experimentally achievable fidelities using independent measurements of experimental parameters such as noise spectra and atomic temperature. Turning to the question of near-term scalability of the experimental system, we prototype and test a method of generating a ’ladder’ configuration of optical tweezers utilizing two independent lasers. Our setup allows us to fully tune the geometry of the ladder, namely the separation between the two rows, the angle between them, and their relative position along the axis of the ladder. This pseudo-2D configuration enables us to reach larger system sizes in the near future and allows us to access beyond 1D physics.

Item Type:Thesis (Senior thesis (Major))
Subject Keywords:Rydberg atoms, Rabi oscillations, decoherence, noise, ladder array
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
Major Option:Physics
Minor Option:Computer Science
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Endres, Manuel
Thesis Committee:
  • Libbrecht, Kenneth George
  • Alicea, Jason F.
  • Kimble, H. Jeff
  • Roukes, Michael Lee
  • Politzer, Hugh David
  • Frautschi, Steven C.
Defense Date:5 June 2020
Non-Caltech Author Email:anantkale711 (AT)
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:06092020-162351992
Persistent URL:
Kale, Anant M.0000-0002-7049-5630
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:13812
Deposited By: Anant Kale
Deposited On:10 Jun 2020 16:19
Last Modified:15 Jan 2021 22:06

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