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Novel Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and Far from Equilibrium


Kim, Laura (2019) Novel Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and Far from Equilibrium. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/1CDC-HV37.


Graphene supports surface plasmons bound to an atomically thin layer of carbon, characterized by tunable propagation characteristics and distinctly strong spatial confinement of the electromagnetic energy. Such collective excitations in graphene enable the strong interactions of massless Dirac fermions with light. In this work, I explore fundamental properties and applications of graphene plasmons both near and far from equilibrium. I discuss the ability of graphene plasmons to interact with its local environment in various forms of mid-infrared, optically active excitations, demonstrated by tunable graphene plasmon dispersions and an emergence of a new mode via addition of a monoatomic dielectric layer. Furthermore, the viability of graphene for optics-based applications and large-scale integration is epitomized by the experimental demonstration of perfect tunable absorption in a large-area chemically grown graphene by using a noble-metal-graphene metasurfaces. Using these properties of graphene plasmons, electronically tunable thermal radiation is demonstrated. Finally, I present theoretical predictions and experimental validations of nonequilibrium graphene plasmon excitations via ultrafast optical excitation, originating from a previously unobserved decay channel: hot plasmons generated from optically excited carriers. These studies reveal novel infrared light emitting processes, both spontaneous and stimulated, and provide a platform for achieving ultrafast, ultrabright mid-infrared light sources.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:Graphene; Surface Plasmons; Plasmonics; Nanophotonics; Mid-infrared radiation
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Engineering and Applied Science
Major Option:Materials Science
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Atwater, Harry Albert
Group:Kavli Nanoscience Institute
Thesis Committee:
  • Schwab, Keith C. (chair)
  • Atwater, Harry Albert
  • Johnson, William L.
  • Nadj-Perge, Stevan
Defense Date:21 May 2019
Non-Caltech Author Email:bbogosea (AT)
Funding AgencyGrant Number
Department of Energy (DOE)DE- SC0001293
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)FA9550-16-1-0019
Department of Energy (DOE)DE-FG02-07ER46405
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:05062019-203520662
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URLURL TypeDescription from which excepts are drawn for Ch. 2 from which excepts are drawn for Ch. 2 from which excepts are drawn for Ch. 2 from which excepts are drawn for Ch. 2
Kim, Laura0000-0002-9745-3668
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:11500
Deposited By: Laura Kim
Deposited On:10 Jun 2019 22:40
Last Modified:08 Nov 2023 00:12

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