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3MT Competition (Caltech)
Alexander P. and Adelaide F. Hixon Prize for Writing
Alexander P. and Adelaide F. Hixon Prize for Writing in Freshman Humanities
Astronomy Department
Autonomous Robotics and Control Lab
Caltech Antenna Laboratory
Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
Caltech Theory
Center for Geomechanics and Mitigation of Geohazards (GMG)
Computer Science Technical Reports
Dynamics Laboratory
Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory
Explosion Dynamics Laboratory
Gordon McClure Memorial Communications Prize
Gordon McClure Memorial Communications Prize - English
Gordon McClure Memorial Communications Prize - History
Gordon McClure Memorial Communications Prize - Philosophy
Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories (Fluid Mechanics)
Hallett Smith Prize
Hixon Writing Center
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter
Kavli Nanoscience Institute
Keck Institute for Space Studies
Koch Laboratory (KLAB)
Mary A. Earl McKinney Prize in Literature
Mary A. Earl McKinney Prize in Literature - Poetry
Mary A. Earl McKinney Prize in Literature - Prose
MICS Lab (Mixed Mode Integrated Circuits and Systems)
NASA Astronauts
Nobel Prize
Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO)
Palomar Transient Factory
Resnick Sustainability Institute
Rosen Bioengineering Center
Seismological Laboratory
Senior Undergraduate Thesis Prize
Space Radiation Laboratory
Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics
W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources
Zwicky Transient Facility