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Number of items: 2. Bozorth, Richard Milton (1922) Ionization in Mixtures of Salt Solutions. Activities of Ions from the Solubilities of Salts in Solutions of One Another. The Crystal Structure of Lead Molybdate. The Crystal Structure of Potassium Cyanide. The Crystal Structure of Ammonium Silicofluoride. The Crystal Structure of Cadmium Iodide. Monograph on the Separation of Isotopes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/QSQ5-A228. Smith, David Frederick (1922) The Condition of Bismuth Salts in Aqueous Solutions and the Molar Electrode-Potential of Bismuth. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/vskt-t918. |