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The Structural Specificity of α-Chymotrypsin. I. Polypeptides as Substrates. II. N-Acylated Peptide Esters as Substrates. III. Some Reactive Esters of N-Acylated Amino Acids as Substrates


Neil, Gary Lawrence (1966) The Structural Specificity of α-Chymotrypsin. I. Polypeptides as Substrates. II. N-Acylated Peptide Esters as Substrates. III. Some Reactive Esters of N-Acylated Amino Acids as Substrates. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/MHTA-3S12.


The structural specificity of α-chymotrypsin for polypeptides and denatured proteins has been examined. The primary specificity of the enzyme for these natural substrates is shown to closely correspond to that observed for model substrates. A pattern of secondary specificity is proposed.

A series of N-acetylated peptide esters of varying length have been evaluated as substrates of α-chymotrypsin. The results are interpreted in terms of proposed specificity theories.

The α-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolyses of a number of N-acetylated dipeptide methyl esters were studied. The results are interpreted in terms of the available specificity theories and are compared with results obtained in the study of polypeptide substrates. The importance of non-productive binding in determining the kinetic parameters of these substrates is discussed. A partial model of the locus of the active site which interacts with the R’1CONH- group of a substrate of the form R’1CONHCHR2COR’3 is proposed.

Finally, some reactive esters of N-acetylated amino acids have been evaluated as substrates of α-chymotrypsin. Their reactivity and stereo-chemical behavior are discussed in terms of the specificity theories available. The importance of a binding interaction between the carboxyl function of the substrate and the enzyme is suggested by the results obtained.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:(Chemistry)
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Major Option:Chemistry
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Hammond, George Simms (advisor)
  • Niemann, Carl G. (advisor)
Thesis Committee:
  • Unknown, Unknown
Defense Date:17 March 1966
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:09292015-113737929
Persistent URL:
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ID Code:9183
Deposited On:07 Oct 2015 16:37
Last Modified:05 Mar 2024 22:45

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