This data set contains movies for four simulations described in further detail in Chapter 3. All movies show the shaded relief topography, with a fixed contour interval of 0.5 channel depths (equal to 1 meter in all simulations). The width of the model domain is 100 channel widths, and the mean flow direction is from left to right. The coloration represents the fraction of bedrock in bank materials that the channel would encounter if it migrated laterally into that portion of the landscape with no change in its vertical position. For areas in gray the fraction of bedrock in bank materials is 1, indicating that if the channel were to migrate to those areas it would encounter entirely bedrock in the bank up to the bankfull depth. Also shown are the channel planform extent (blue), top-to-bottom topographic profile locations (black), and the non-dimensional simulation time (t*). The evolving valley cross-section is shown at the bottom, and shows bedrock (black areas) and sediment (white areas). The cross-section can intersect the channel at several locations due to channel sinuosity.

1. movie1.mp4: Movie based on simulation in Figure 3.

2. movie2.mp4: Movie based on simulation in Figure 4B, which begins with a partially confined initial alluvial belt (wab* = 0.75).

3. movie3.mp4: Movie based on simulation in Figure 4C, which begins with an unconfined initial alluvial belt (wab* = °).

4. movie4.mp4: Movie based on simulation in Figure 5A, which has a low non-dimensional vertical incision rate with sediment banks (EVs* = 0.001).