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Planar Reflection of Gaseous Detonation


Damazo, Jason Scott (2013) Planar Reflection of Gaseous Detonation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/4QW7-TK55.


Pipes containing flammable gaseous mixtures may be subjected to internal detonation. When the detonation normally impinges on a closed end, a reflected shock wave is created to bring the flow back to rest. This study built on the work of Karnesky (2010) and examined deformation of thin-walled stainless steel tubes subjected to internal reflected gaseous detonations. A ripple pattern was observed in the tube wall for certain fill pressures, and a criterion was developed that predicted when the ripple pattern would form. A two-dimensional finite element analysis was performed using Johnson-Cook material properties; the pressure loading created by reflected gaseous detonations was accounted for with a previously developed pressure model. The residual plastic strain between experiments and computations was in good agreement.

During the examination of detonation-driven deformation, discrepancies were discovered in our understanding of reflected gaseous detonation behavior. Previous models did not accurately describe the nature of the reflected shock wave, which motivated further experiments in a detonation tube with optical access. Pressure sensors and schlieren images were used to examine reflected shock behavior, and it was determined that the discrepancies were related to the reaction zone thickness extant behind the detonation front. During these experiments reflected shock bifurcation did not appear to occur, but the unfocused visualization system made certainty impossible. This prompted construction of a focused schlieren system that investigated possible shock wave-boundary layer interaction, and heat-flux gauges analyzed the boundary layer behind the detonation front. Using these data with an analytical boundary layer solution, it was determined that the strong thermal boundary layer present behind the detonation front inhibits the development of reflected shock wave bifurcation.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:Gaseous detonation, Combustion, Plastic deformation
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Engineering and Applied Science
Major Option:Aeronautics
Awards:Rolf D. Buhler Memorial Award in Aeronautics, 2008. Ernest E. Sechler Memorial Award in Aeronautics, 2011.
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Shepherd, Joseph E.
Group:GALCIT, Explosion Dynamics Laboratory
Thesis Committee:
  • McKeon, Beverley J. (chair)
  • Blanquart, Guillaume
  • Meiron, Daniel I.
  • Shepherd, Joseph E.
Defense Date:31 May 2013
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:06112013-153305610
Persistent URL:
Damazo, Jason Scott0000-0002-4155-7177
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:7890
Deposited By: Jason Damazo
Deposited On:17 Jun 2013 22:05
Last Modified:16 Jan 2021 00:31

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