Electronic Material accompanying
R. E. Kopp (2007), The Identification and Interpretation of Microbial Biogeomagnetism.
Ph.D. Thesis, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences,
California Institute of Technology.

Copyright (C) 2007 by Robert E. Kopp


Three software packages accompany this dissertation.

matFMR-1.1 provides MATLAB functions for analyzing ferromagnetic resonance spectra.
The usage of these functions is described in the accompanying README.txt file.

matRockmag-1.0 provides MATLAB functions for analysis of rock magnetic data produced
by a Caltech-style 2G magnetometer setup. The usage of these  functions is described
in the accompanying README.txt file.

Paleomag2007-2.3.3 is the Visual Basic 6 control software for a Caltech-style 2G
magnetometer sample changer, as described in Appendix II. The installation of
this code is described in the accompanying README.txt file. The usage of the
code is described in the accompanying Paleomag 2006 Manual.pdf.

In addition, the data files collected and analyzed in Chapters 2-5 are also
included. FMR data are contained in paired .asc and .par files, while rock magnetic
data is contained in .rmg files. These files can be analyzed using matFMR and matRockmag,
respectively. They are plain text files and can readily be imported into other
software programs as well.