This is a listing of the 3 Dimensional wave code developed by David
J. Haroldsen. This work was completed in May of 1997.

The directory drivers contains some sample drivers.
The directories cray,SGI, and serial contain listings for 
the cray J90, SGI PowerOnyx, and generic workstations respectively.

For my driving routines, I used the Numerical Recipes fft routines 
fourn.c, rlft3.c and nrutil.c converted to double precision. I can't include
these because of copyright restrictions. 

The subroutines labeled PMTA* are derivatives of the PMTA distribution.
Several  of them have been modified. 

The directory doc contains some documentation which will hopefully be of
some use.

The directory misc contains some miscellaneous other stuff which is in various
stages of development, included for completeness. 

The directory data contains data from some of my more interesting runs.

The directory movies contains several animations of data.