Gene Symbol	Name	Entrez GeneId	Genome Location	Tier	Hallmark	Chr Band	Somatic	Germline	Tumour Types(Somatic)	Tumour Types(Germline)	Cancer Syndrome	Tissue Type	Molecular Genetics	Role in Cancer	Mutation Types	Translocation Partner	Other Germline Mut	Other Syndrome	Synonyms
A1CF	APOBEC1 complementation factor	29974	10:50806729-50859940	2		10q11.23	yes		melanoma			E		oncogene	Mis				"29974,A1CF,ENSG00000148584,Q9NQ94"
ABI1	abl-interactor 1	10006	10:26748570-26860863	1	Yes	10p11.2	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"10006,ABI1,ENSG00000136754,Q8IZP0,SSH3BP1"
ABL1	v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1	25	9:130835447-130885683	1	Yes	9q34.1	yes		"CML, ALL, T-ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis"	"BCR, ETV6, NUP214"			"25,ABL,ABL1,ENSG00000097007,P00519"
ABL2	"c-abl oncogene 2, non-receptor tyrosine kinase"	27	1:179107718-179143044	1		1q24-q25	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ETV6			"27,ABL2,ABLL,ENSG00000143322,P42684"
ACKR3	atypical chemokine receptor 3	57007	2:236580466-236581554	1	Yes	2q37.3	yes		lipoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"A8K6J4,ACKR3,CMKOR1,CXCR7,ENSG00000144476,P25106,Q53RV4,Q8NE10,Q92938,Q92986"
ACSL3	acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3	2181	2:222908773-222941654	1	Yes	2q36	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	ETV1			"2181,ACSL3,ENSG00000123983,FACL3,O95573"
ACSL6	acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 6	23305	5:131954234-132011553	2		5q31.1	yes		"AML, AEL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	ETV6			"23305,ACSL6,ENSG00000164398,FACL6,Q9UKU0"
ACVR1	"activin A receptor, type I"	90	2:157737531-157799493	1	Yes	2q23-q24	yes		DIPG			O	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva	"90,ACVR1,ACVRLK2,ENSG00000115170,Q04771"
ACVR2A	activin A receptor type 2A	92	2:147845153-147927274	1		2q22.3-q23.1	yes		"large intestine carcinoma, stomach carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma, biliary tract, oesophagus"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"92,ACVR2,ACVR2A,ENSG00000121989,P27037"
AFF1	"AF4/FMR2 family, member 1"	4299	4:87007409-87135702	1	Yes	4q21	yes		AL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"4299,AFF1,ENSG00000172493,MLLT2,P51825,PBM1"
AFF3	"AF4/FMR2 family, member 3"	3899	2:99551474-100104454	1	Yes	2q11.2-q12	yes		"ALL, T-ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"KMT2A, RUNX1"			"3899,AFF3,ENSG00000144218,LAF4,P51826"
AFF4	"AF4/FMR2 family, member 4"	27125	5:132881059-132937189	1	Yes	5q31	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"27125,AFF4,ENSG00000072364,Q9UHB7"
AKAP9	A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein (yotiao) 9	10142	7:91941100-92110159	2		7q21-q22	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	fusion	T	BRAF			"10142,AKAP350,AKAP450,AKAP9,CG-NAP,ENSG00000127914,HYPERION,KIAA0803,MU-RMS-40_16A,PRKA9,Q99996,YOTIAO"
AKT1	v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1	207	14:104770341-104792643	1	Yes	14q32.32	yes		"breast, colorectal, ovarian, NSCLC"			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"207,AKT1,ENSG00000142208,P31749"
AKT2	v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2	208	19:40233872-40265267	1		19q13.1-q13.2	yes		"ovarian, pancreatic"			E	Dom	oncogene	A				"208,AKT2,ENSG00000105221,P31751"
AKT3	v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3	10000	1:243505249-243843170	2		1q43-q44	yes		GBM			O		oncogene	A				"10000,AKT3,ENSG00000117020,Q9Y243"
ALDH2	aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family (mitochondrial)	217	12:111766983-111809575	2		12q24.2	yes		leiomyoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	HMGA2			"217,ALDH2,ENSG00000111275,P05091"
ALK	anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Ki-1)	238	2:29193224-29920659	1	Yes	2p23	yes	yes	"ALCL, NSCLC, neuroblastoma, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour, Spitzoid tumour"	neuroblastoma	familial neuroblastoma	"L, E, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis, A"	"NPM1, TPM3, TFG, TPM4, ATIC, CLTC, MSN, RNF213, CARS, EML4, KIF5B, C2orf22, DCTN1, HIP1, TPR, RANBP2, PPFIBP1, SEC31A, STRN, VCL, C2orf44, KLC1"			"238,ALK,ENSG00000171094,Q9UM73"
AMER1	APC membrane recruitment protein 1	139285	X:64186117-64193286	1	Yes	Xq11.2	yes		Wilms tumour			O	Rec	TSG	"F, D, N, Mis"				"139285,AMER1,ENSG00000184675,FAM123B,Q5JTC6"
ANK1	ankyrin 1	286	8:41655727-41797538	2		8p11.21	yes		CCRCC			E			Mis				"286,ANK,ANK1,ENSG00000029534,P16157"
APC	adenomatous polyposis of the colon gene	324	5:112754891-112844126	1	Yes	5q21	yes	yes	"colorectal, pancreatic, desmoid, hepatoblastoma, glioma, other CNS"	"colorectal, pancreatic, desmoid, hepatoblastoma, glioma, other CNS"	"adenomatous polyposis coli; Turcot syndrome"	"E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"324,APC,ENSG00000134982,P25054"
APOBEC3B	apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3B	9582	22:38982454-38992445	1	Yes	22q13.1		yes		breast cancer		E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	D				"9582,APOBEC3B,ENSG00000179750,Q9UH17"
AR	Androgen Receptor	367	X:67545147-67723841	1	Yes	Xq12	yes	yes	prostate			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	"Androgen insensitivity, Hypospadias 1, X-linked, Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy of Kennedy"	"367,AR,DHTR,ENSG00000169083,SBMA"
ARAF	"A-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase"	369	X:47562968-47571457	2		Xp11.3	yes		"cholangiocarcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, Langerhans cell histiocytosis"			"E, L"		oncogene	Mis				"369,ARAF,ARAF1,ENSG00000078061,P10398"
ARHGAP26	Rho GTPase activating protein 26	23092	5:142770762-143222446	1		5q31	yes		"AML, MDS"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	"T, F, S"	KMT2A			"23092,ARHGAP26,ENSG00000145819,Q9UNA1"
ARHGAP5	Rho GTPase activating protein 5	394	14:32090670-32154948	2		14q12	yes		"colon cancer, glioma"			"E, O"		oncogene	Mis				"394,ARHGAP5,ENSG00000100852,GFI2,Q13017"
ARHGEF10	Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10	9639	8:1876561-1957263	2		8p23.3	yes		colon cancer			E		TSG	D				"9639,ARHGEF10,ENSG00000104728,O15013"
ARHGEF10L	Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10 like	55160	1:17580596-17697380	2		1p36.13	yes		lymphoma			L		TSG	D				"55160,ARHGEF10L,ENSG00000074964,Q9HCE6"
ARHGEF12	RHO guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 12 (LARG)	23365	11:120337244-120485077	1		11q23.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"23365,ARHGEF12,ENSG00000196914,Q9NZN5"
ARID1A	AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like)	8289	1:26696404-26780756	1	Yes	1p35.3	yes		"clear cell ovarian carcinoma, RCC, breast"			E	Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"Mis, N, F, S, D, T"	MAST2			"8289,ARID1A,C1orf4,ENSG00000117713,O14497,SMARCF1"
ARID1B	AT rich interactive domain 1B	57492	6:156778104-157207891	1		6q25.1	yes		"breast, hepatocellular carcinoma, clear cell ovarian carcinoma"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N, O"				"57492,ARID1B,ENSG00000049618"
ARID2	AT rich interactive domain 2	196528	12:45729837-45905078	1	Yes	12q12	yes		hepatocellular carcinoma			E	Rec	TSG	"N, S, F"				"196528,ARID2,ENSG00000189079,Q68CP9"
ARNT	aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator	405	1:150812021-150876567	1	Yes	1q21	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	ETV6			"405,ARNT,ENSG00000143437,P27540"
ASPSCR1	"alveolar soft part sarcoma chromosome region, candidate 1"	79058	17:81977648-82017323	1	Yes	17q25	yes		alveolar soft part sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	TFE3			"79058,ASPSCR1,ENSG00000169696,Q9BZE9"
ASXL1	additional sex combs like 1	171023	20:32358776-32437338	1	Yes	20q11.1	yes		"MDS, CMML"			L	Rec	TSG	"F, N, Mis"		yes	Bohring-Opitz syndrome	"171023,ASXL1,ENSG00000171456,Q8IXJ9"
ASXL2	"additional sex combs like 2, transcriptional regulator"	55252	2:25742029-25759640	2		2p23.3	yes		"melanoma, CCRCC, AML"			"E, L"		TSG	"O,N, F"				"55252,ASXL2,ENSG00000143970,Q76L83"
ATF1	activating transcription factor 1	466	12:50780147-50819780	1	Yes	12q13	yes		"malignant melanoma of soft parts, angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma"			"E, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"EWSR1, FUS"			"466,ATF1,ENSG00000123268,P18846"
ATIC	5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase	471	2:215312144-215349656	1	Yes	2q35	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"471,ATIC,ENSG00000138363,P31939"
ATM	ataxia telangiectasia mutated	472	11:108227625-108365508	1	Yes	11q22.3	yes	yes	T-PLL	"leukaemia, lymphoma, medulloblastoma, glioma"	ataxia-telangiectasia	"L, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"472,ATA,ATC,ATD,ATDC,ATM,ENSG00000149311,Q13315"
ATP1A1	"ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 1 polypeptide"	476	1:116373512-116404444	1	Yes	1p21	yes		adrenal aldosterone producing adenoma			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, O"				"476,ATP1A1,ENSG00000163399,P05023"
ATP2B3	"ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 3"	492	X:153536248-153580003	1	Yes	Xq28	yes		adrenal aldosterone producing adenoma			E	Dom	TSG	O				"492,ATP2B3,CLA2,ENSG00000067842,Q16720,SCAX1"
ATR	ATR serine/threonine kinase	545	3:142449429-142578704	1	Yes	3q23	yes	yes	"endometrial, gastric, epithelial ovarian, myeloma"	oropharyngeal	familial cutaneous telangiectasia and cancer syndrome	"E; L"	Dom	TSG	"F; Mis"		yes	Seckel syndrome 1	"545,ATR,ENSG00000175054,Q13535"
ATRX	alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked	546	X:77508351-77786001	1	Yes	Xq21.1	yes		"pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, paediatric GBM"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N"		yes	ATR-X (alpha thalassemia/mental retardation) syndrome	"546,ATRX,ENSG00000085224,JMS,MRX52,P46100,RAD54"
AXIN1	axin 1	8312	16:288122-347025	1	Yes	16p13.3	yes		"colorectal, endometrial, prostate, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma, sporadic medulloblastoma"			"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"8312,AXIN1,ENSG00000103126,O15169"
AXIN2	axin 2	8313	17:65529976-65558620	1	Yes	17q24.1	yes	yes	"colorectal carcinoma, stomach carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma"	colorectal carcinoma	oligodontia-colorectal cancer syndrome	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N"				"8313,AXIN2,ENSG00000168646,Q9Y2T1"
B2M	beta-2-microglobulin	567	15:44711547-44716342	1	Yes	15q21.1	yes		"DLBCL, melanoma, colorectal adenocarcinoma"			"E, L"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"		yes	Immunodeficiency 43	"567,B2M,ENSG00000166710,P61769"
BAP1	BRCA1 associated protein-1 (ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase)	8314	3:52402288-52409878	1	Yes	3p21.31-p21.2	yes	yes	"uveal melanoma, breast, NSCLC, RCC"	"mesothelioma, uveal melanoma"		E	Rec	TSG	"N, Mis, F, S, O"				"8314,BAP1,ENSG00000163930,Q92560"
BARD1	BRCA1 associated RING domain 1	580	2:214728676-214809569	1		2q35	yes	yes	breast cancer	"ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrioid cancer"		E		TSG	Mis				"580,BARD1,ENSG00000138376,Q99728"
BAX	"BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator"	581	19:48954929-48961097	1		19q13.33	yes		colorectal cancer			E		TSG	"F, Mis"				"581,BAX,ENSG00000087088,Q07812"
BAZ1A	bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1A	11177	14:34753508-34874604	2		14q13.1-q13.2	yes		"uterine carcinosarcoma, colon cancer"			E		TSG	D				"11177,BAZ1A,ENSG00000198604,Q9NRL2"
BCL10	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10	8915	1:85267627-85276352	1	Yes	1p22	yes		MALT			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	IGH			"8915,BCL10,ENSG00000142867,O95999"
BCL11A	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A	53335	2:60460404-60553270	1	Yes	2p13	yes		B-CLL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"53335,BCL11A,ENSG00000119866,EVI9,Q9H165"
BCL11B	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11B  (CTIP2)	64919	14:99174151-99271218	1	Yes	14q32.1	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	TLX3			"64919,BCL11B,ENSG00000127152,Q9C0K0,ZNF856B"
BCL2	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2	596	18:63128625-63318666	1		18q21.3	yes		"NHL, CLL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"596,BCL2,ENSG00000171791,P10415"
BCL2L12	BCL2 like 12	83596	19:49665824-49673748	2		19q13.33	yes		"melanoma, SCC"			E		oncogene	Mis				"83596,BCL2L12,ENSG00000126453,Q9HB09"
BCL3	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 3	602	19:44748791-44759615	1		19q13	yes		CLL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"602,BCL3,BCL4,D19S37,ENSG00000069399,P20749"
BCL6	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6	604	3:187722458-187733693	1		3q27	yes		"NHL, CLL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis"	"IG loci, ZNFN1A1, LCP1, PIM1, TFRC, CIITA, NACA, HSPCB, HSP90AA1, HIST1H4I, IL21R,  POU2AF1, RHOH, EIF4A2, SRSF3"			"604,BCL6,ENSG00000113916,P41182,ZNF51"
BCL7A	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7A	605	12:122022092-122059163	1		12q24.1	yes		BNHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	MYC			"605,BCL7,BCL7A,ENSG00000110987,Q4VC05"
BCL9	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9	607	1:147611837-147624864	1	Yes	1q21	yes		B-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"IGH, IGL"			"607,BCL9,ENSG00000116128,O00512"
BCL9L	B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9-like	283149	11:118898415-118909939	1		11q23.3	yes		"colorectal cancer, endometrial carcinoma, gastric cancer"			E		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F"				"283149,BCL9L,ENSG00000186174,Q86UU0"
BCLAF1	BCL2 associated transcription factor 1	9774	6:136261259-136279866	2		6q23.3	yes		"melanoma, SCC"			E			Mis				"9774,BCLAF1,ENSG00000029363,Q9NYF8"
BCOR	BCL6 corepressor	54880	X:40052109-40077929	1	Yes	Xp11.4	yes		"retinoblastoma, AML, APL (translocation)"			"L, M"	Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"F, N, S, T"	RARA	yes	Oculo-facio-cardio-dental genetic	"54880,BCOR,ENSG00000183337,Q6W2J9"
BCORL1	BCL6 corepressor-like 1	63035	X:130005232-130056136	1	Yes	Xq25-q26.1	yes		"AML, HNSCC"			"E, L"		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N, F"				"63035,BCORL1,CXorf10,ENSG00000085185,Q5H9F3"
BCR	breakpoint cluster region	613	22:23180961-23315522	1		22q11.21	yes		"CML, ALL, AML"			L	Dom	fusion	T	"ABL1,  FGFR1, JAK2"			"613,BCR,BCR1,D22S11,ENSG00000186716,P11274"
BIRC3	baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 3	330	11:102324510-102337102	1	Yes	11q22	yes		"CLL, MALT, MCL, MM"			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"D, F, N, T, Mis"	MALT1			"330,API2,BIRC3,ENSG00000023445,Q13489"
BIRC6	baculoviral IAP repeat containing 6	57448	2:32357162-32617904	2		2p22.3	yes		"melanoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma"			E		"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis"	ALK			"57448,BIRC6,ENSG00000115760,Q9NR09"
BLM	Bloom Syndrome	641	15:90747393-90815279	1	Yes	15q26.1		yes		"leukaemia, lymphoma, skin squamous cell, other tumour types"	Bloom syndrome	"L, E"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"641,BLM,ENSG00000197299,P54132"
BMP5	bone morphogenetic protein 5	653	6:55755533-55874865	2		6p12.1	yes		melanoma			E			Mis				"653,BMP5,ENSG00000112175,P22003"
BMPR1A	"bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA"	657	10:86876019-86923719	1	Yes	10q22.3		yes		gastrointestinal polyps	juvenile polyposis	E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N, F"				"657,ACVRLK3,ALK3,BMPR1A,CD292,ENSG00000107779,P36894"
BRAF	v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1	673	7:140734597-140924703	1	Yes	7q34	yes		"melanoma, colorectal, papillary thyroid, borderline ovarian, NSCLC, cholangiocarcinoma, pilocytic astrocytoma, Spitzoid tumour, pancreas acinar carcinoma, melanocytic nevus, prostate, gastric"			"E, O"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, T, O"	"AKAP9, KIAA1549, CEP88, LSM14A, SND1, FCHSD1, SLC45A3, FAM131B, RNF130, CLCN6, MKRN1, GNAI1, AGTRAP"	yes	Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome	"673,BRAF,ENSG00000157764,P15056"
BRCA1	familial breast/ovarian cancer gene 1	672	17:43045678-43124096	1	Yes	17q21	yes	yes	ovarian	"breast, ovarian"	hereditary breast/ovarian cancer	E	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"672,BRCA1,ENSG00000012048,P38398"
BRCA2	familial breast/ovarian cancer gene 2	675	13:32316461-32398770	1	Yes	13q12	yes	yes	"breast, ovarian, pancreatic"	"breast, ovarian, pancreatic, leukaemia  (FANCB, FANCD1)"	hereditary breast/ovarian cancer	"L, E"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"675,BRCA2,ENSG00000139618,FACD,FANCD,FANCD1,P51587"
BRD3	bromodomain containing 3	8019	9:134033590-134053477	1		9q34	yes		lethal midline carcinoma of young people			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUTM1			"8019,BRD3,ENSG00000169925,Q15059"
BRD4	bromodomain containing 4	23476	19:15249280-15273099	1	Yes	19p13.1	yes		lethal midline carcinoma of young people			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUTM1			"23476,BRD4,ENSG00000141867,O60885"
BRIP1	BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1	83990	17:61683296-61861539	1	Yes	17q22		yes		"AML, leukaemia, breast"	"Fanconi anaemia J, breast cancer susceptiblity"	"L, E"	Rec	TSG	"F, N, Mis"				"83990,BRIP1,ENSG00000136492,Q9BX63"
BTG1	"B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative"	694	12:92144080-92145535	1		12q22	yes		B-CLL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	MYC			"694,BTG1,ENSG00000133639,P62324"
BTK	Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase	695	X:101349885-101375284	1	Yes	Xq21.33-q22	yes		"CLL, mantle cell lymphoma, WM"			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis		yes	agammaglobulinemia	"695,AGMX1,BTK,ENSG00000010671,IMD1,Q06187"
BUB1B	BUB1 budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homolog beta (yeast)	701	15:40161221-40220759	1	Yes	15q15		yes		rhabdomyosarcoma	mosaic variegated aneuploidy	M	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"701,BUB1B,ENSG00000156970,O60566"
C15orf65	chromosome 15 open reading frame 65	145788	15:-	2		15q21.3	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	fusion	T	CIITA			
C2orf44	chromosome 2 open reading frame 44	80304	2:24030933-24039494	1		2p23.3	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"80304,C2orf44,ENSG00000163026,Q9H6R7"
CACNA1D	"calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1D subunit"	776	3:53495167-53811406	1	Yes	3p14.3	yes		adrenal aldosterone producing adenoma			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	"Syndrome featuring primary aldosteronism, seizures and neuromuscular disease."	"776,CACNA1D,CACNL1A2,CCHL1A2,ENSG00000157388,Q01668"
CALR	calreticulin	811	19:12938680-12943913	1	Yes	19p13.3-p13.2	yes		"MPN, MDS"			L	Dom	oncogene	"F, Mis"				"811,CALR,ENSG00000179218,P27797"
CAMTA1	calmodulin binding transcription activator 1	23261	1:6785531-7766491	1	Yes	1p36.31-p36.23	yes		epithelioid haemangioendothelioma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	WWTR1			"23261,CAMTA1,ENSG00000171735,Q9Y6Y1"
CANT1	calcium activated nucleotidase 1	124583	17:78993550-78997622	1	Yes	17q25	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	ETV4			"124583,CANT1,ENSG00000171302,Q8WVQ1"
CARD11	"caspase recruitment domain family, member 11"	84433	7:2906638-2958506	1	Yes	7p22	yes		DLBCL			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"84433,CARD11,ENSG00000198286,Q9BXL7"
CARS	cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase	833	11:3001114-3057367	1	Yes	11p15.5	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ALK			"833,CARS,ENSG00000110619,P49589"
CASC5	cancer susceptibility candidate 5	57082	15:40602933-40654977	1	Yes	15q14	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"57082,CASC5,ENSG00000137812,MCPH4,Q8NG31"
CASP3	caspase 3	836	4:184629272-184638453	2		4q35.1	yes		ovarian cancer			E		TSG	D				"836,CASP3,ENSG00000164305,P42574"
CASP8	"caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase"	841	2:201266487-201286594	1	Yes	2q33-q34	yes		"hepatocellular, oral squamous cell, breast"			E	Rec	TSG	"N, S, F"				"841,CASP8,ENSG00000064012,Q14790"
CASP9	caspase 9	842	1:15492943-15524200	2		1p36.21	yes		glioma			O		TSG	D				"842,CASP9,ENSG00000132906,P55211"
CBFA2T3	"core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 3 (MTG-16)"	863	16:88876976-88976807	1	Yes	16q24	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"RUNX1, GLIS2"			"863,CBFA2T3,ENSG00000129993,O75081"
CBFB	"core-binding factor, beta subunit"	865	16:67029409-67098733	1	Yes	16q22	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	MYH11			"865,CBFB,ENSG00000067955,Q13951"
CBL	Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming	867	11:119206418-119299781	1	Yes	11q23.3	yes		"AML, JMML, MDS"			L	Dom/Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, Mis, S, O"	KMT2A			"867,CBL,CBL2,ENSG00000110395,P22681"
CBLB	Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence b	868	3:105658970-105867577	1	Yes	3q13.11	yes		AML			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, S"				"868,CBLB,ENSG00000114423,Q13191"
CBLC	Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence c	23624	19:44777932-44800443	1		19q13.2	yes		AML			L	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	M				"23624,CBLC,ENSG00000142273,Q9ULV8"
CCDC6	coiled-coil domain containing 6	8030	10:59792917-59906424	1	Yes	10q21	yes		"papillary thyroid, CML, NSCLC"			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"RET, PDGFRB"			"8030,CCDC6,D10S170,ENSG00000108091,Q16204,TST1"
CCNB1IP1	"cyclin B1 interacting protein 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase"	57820	14:20311550-20316523	1	Yes	14q11.2	yes		leiomyoma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"57820,C14orf18,CCNB1IP1,ENSG00000100814,Q9NPC3"
CCNC	cyclin C	892	6:99991431-100010824	2		6q16.2	yes		T-ALL			L		TSG	D				
CCND1	cyclin D1	595	11:69641314-69651282	1	Yes	11q13	yes		"CLL, B-ALL, breast"			"L, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"IGH, FSTL3"			"595,BCL1,CCND1,D11S287E,ENSG00000110092,P24385,PRAD1"
CCND2	cyclin D2	894	12:4274041-4300009	1	Yes	12p13	yes		"NHL,CLL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGL			"894,CCND2,ENSG00000118971,P30279"
CCND3	cyclin D3	896	6:41935940-41941649	1		6p21	yes		MM			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"896,CCND3,ENSG00000112576,P30281"
CCNE1	cyclin E1	898	19:29812556-29823777	1	Yes	19q12	yes		serous ovarian			E	Dom	oncogene	A				"898,CCNE,CCNE1,ENSG00000105173,P24864"
CCR4	C-C motif chemokine receptor 4	1233	3:32953423-32954505	2		3p22.3	yes		adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma			L		oncogene	N				"1233,CCR4,ENSG00000183813,P51679"
CCR7	C-C motif chemokine receptor 7	1236	17:40554742-40565409	2		17q21.2	yes		adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma			L		oncogene	N				"1236,CCR7,CMKBR7,EBI1,ENSG00000126353,P32248"
CD209	CD209 molecule	30835	19:7743039-7747511	2		19p13.2	yes		prostate carcinoma			E			Mis				"30835,CD209,ENSG00000090659,Q9NNX6"
CD274	CD274 molecule	29126	9:5456114-5467862	1		9p24	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	CIITA			"29126,CD274,ENSG00000120217,PDCD1LG1,Q9NZQ7"
CD28	CD28 molecule	940	2:203706697-203734912	2		2q33.2	yes		T-cell lymphoma			L		oncogene	Mis				"940,CD28,ENSG00000178562,P10747"
CD74	"CD74 molecule, major histocompatibility complex, class II invariant chain"	972	5:150402584-150412749	1		5q32	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"ROS1, NRG1"			"972,CD74,DHLAG,ENSG00000019582,P04233"
CD79A	"CD79a molecule, immunoglobulin-associated alpha"	973	19:41877305-41880980	1	Yes	19q13.2	yes		"DLBCL, WM"			L	Dom	oncogene	S		yes	Agammaglobulinaemia	"973,CD79A,ENSG00000105369,IGA,P11912"
CD79B	"CD79b molecule, immunoglobulin-associated beta"	974	17:63929226-63932261	1	Yes	17q23	yes		"DLBCL, WM"			L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, S"		yes	Agammaglobulinaemia	"974,CD79B,ENSG00000007312,IGB,P40259"
CDC73	cell division cycle 73	79577	1:193122201-193250712	1	Yes	1q21-q31	yes	yes	parathyroid adenoma	"parathyroid adenoma, multiple ossifying jaw fibroma"	hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome	"E, M"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"79577,C1orf28,CDC73,ENSG00000134371,HRPT1,HRPT2,Q6P1J9"
CDH1	"cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin (epithelial) (ECAD)"	999	16:68737416-68833499	1	Yes	16q22.1	yes	yes	"lobular breast, gastric"	gastric	familial gastric carcinoma	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"999,CDH1,ENSG00000039068,P12830,UVO"
CDH10	cadherin 10	1008	5:24487663-24593490	2		5p14.2-p14.1	yes	yes	melanoma	pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma		E		TSG	"Mis, F, N"				"1008,CDH10,ENSG00000040731,Q9Y6N8"
CDH11	"cadherin 11, type 2, OB-cadherin (osteoblast)"	1009	16:64947603-65004869	1	Yes	16q22.1	yes		aneurysmal bone cyst			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	USP6			"1009,CDH11,ENSG00000140937,P55287"
CDH17	cadherin 17	1015	8:94128240-94194685	2		8q22.1	yes		melanoma			E		oncogene	Mis				"1015,CDH17,ENSG00000079112,Q12864"
CDK12	cyclin-dependent kinase 12	51755	17:39462072-39531316	1	Yes	17q12	yes		serous ovarian			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"51755,CDK12,CRKRS,ENSG00000167258,Q9NYV4"
CDK4	cyclin-dependent kinase 4	1019	12:57748525-57751717	1	Yes	12q14		yes		melanoma	familial malignant melanoma	E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"1019,CDK4,ENSG00000135446,P11802"
CDK6	cyclin-dependent kinase 6	1021	7:92615140-92833323	1	Yes	7q21-q22	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	MLLT10			"1021,CDK6,ENSG00000105810,Q00534"
CDKN1A	cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A	1026	6:36684102-36685800	2		6p21.2	yes		bladder cancer			E		"oncogene, TSG"	"F, N"				"1026,CDKN1,CDKN1A,ENSG00000124762,P38936"
CDKN1B	"cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1)"	1027	12:12717840-12718946	1		12p13.1-p12	yes	yes	"breast, small intestine neuroendocrine tumours"	"pituitary, parathyroid"	multiple endocrine neoplasia type IV	E	Rec	TSG	F				"1027,CDKN1B,ENSG00000111276,P46527"
CDKN2A	cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (p16(INK4a)) gene	1029	9:21968229-21974827	1	Yes	9p21	yes	yes	"melanoma, multiple other tumour types"	"melanoma, pancreatic"	familial malignant melanoma	"L, E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"1029,CDKN2,CDKN2A,ENSG00000147889,MLM,P42771"
CDKN2C	"cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4)"	1031	1:50970369-50974270	1		1p32	yes		"glioma, MM"			"O, L"	Rec	TSG	D				"1031,CDKN2C,ENSG00000123080,P42773"
CDX2	caudal type homeo box transcription factor 2	1045	13:27963115-27969006	1		13q12.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ETV6			"1045,CDX2,CDX3,ENSG00000165556,Q99626"
CEBPA	"CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha"	1050	19:33301338-33302414	1		19q13.1	yes		"AML, MDS"			L	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"1050,CEBP,CEBPA,ENSG00000245848,P49715"
CEP89	centrosomal protein 89kDa	84902	19:32879162-32971874	2		19q13.11	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	BRAF			"84902,CCDC123,CEP89,ENSG00000121289,Q96ST8"
CHCHD7	coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 7	79145	8:56214614-56217435	1		8q11.2	yes		salivary adenoma			E	Dom	fusion	T	PLAG1			"79145,CHCHD7,ENSG00000170791,Q9BUK0"
CHD2	chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2	1106	15:92901238-93020325	2		15q26.1	yes		"melanoma, large intestine, CLL, monoclonal B lymphocytosis"			"E, L"		TSG	"Mis, F, N"				"1106,CHD2,ENSG00000173575,O14647"
CHD4	chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4	1108	12:6570676-6606373	1	Yes	12p13	yes		uterine serous carcinoma			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, F, N"				"1108,CHD4,ENSG00000111642,Q14839"
CHEK2	CHK2 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe)	11200	22:28687897-28734721	1	Yes	22q12.1		yes		breast	familial breast cancer	E	Rec	TSG	F				"11200,CHEK2,ENSG00000183765,O96017,RAD53"
CHIC2	cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 2	26511	4:54010095-54064300	2		4q11-q12	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	ETV6			"26511,CHIC2,ENSG00000109220,Q9UKJ5"
CHST11	carbohydrate sulfotransferase 11	50515	12:104457412-104757803	2		12q23.3	yes		B-CLL			L		"oncogene, fusion"	T				"50515,CHST11,ENSG00000171310,Q9NPF2"
CIC	capicua homolog	23152	19:42284705-42295191	1	Yes	19q13.2	yes		"oligodendroglioma, soft tissue sarcoma"			"O, M"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"Mis, F, S,T"	"DUX4L1, FOXO4"			"23152,CIC,ENSG00000079432"
CIITA	"class II, major histocompatibility complex, transactivator"	4261	16:10877332-10923304	1	Yes	16p13	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"C15orf55, CD274, PDCD1LG2, RALGDS, RUNDC2A, RMI2, BCL6"			"4261,CIITA,ENSG00000179583,MHC2TA,P33076"
CLIP1	CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1	6249	12:122272875-122380452	1	Yes	12q24.3	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"6249,CLIP1,ENSG00000130779,P30622,RSN"
CLP1	cleavage and polyadenylation factor I subunit 1	10978	11:57659477-57661436	2		11q12	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"10978,CLP1,ENSG00000172409,Q92989"
CLTC	"clathrin, heavy polypeptide (Hc)"	1213	17:59620133-59693853	1	Yes	17q11-qter	yes		"ALCL, renal"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"ALK, TFE3"			"1213,CLTC,CLTCL2,ENSG00000141367,Q00610"
CLTCL1	"clathrin, heavy polypeptide-like 1"	8218	22:19180219-19291641	1	Yes	22q11.21	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	?			"8218,CLTCL,CLTCL1,ENSG00000070371,P53675"
CNBD1	cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1	168975	8:86866496-87382627	2		8q21.3	yes		"gastric cancer, colon cancer"			E			Mis				"168975,CNBD1,ENSG00000176571,Q8NA66"
CNBP	"CCHC-type zinc finger, nucleic acid binding protein"	7555	3:129170453-129171757	1	Yes	3q21	yes		aneurysmal bone cyst			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	USP6			"7555,CNBP,DM2,ENSG00000169714,P62633,ZNF9"
CNOT3	CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3	4849	19:54142979-54155407	1	Yes	19q13.4	yes		T-ALL			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"4849,CNOT3,ENSG00000088038,NOT3,O75175"
CNTNAP2	contactin associated protein like 2	26047	7:146116877-148415616	2		7q35-q36.1	yes		"glioma, melanoma"			"E, O"		TSG	Mis				"26047,CNTNAP2,ENSG00000174469,Q9UHC6"
CNTRL	centriolin	11064	9:121088328-121177187	1		9q33.2	yes		"MPN, NHL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	FGFR1			"11064,CEP1,CEP110,CNTRL,ENSG00000119397,Q7Z7A1"
COL1A1	"collagen, type I, alpha 1"	1277	17:50185502-50201513	1		17q21.31-q22	yes		"DFSP, aneurysmal bone cyst"			M	Dom	fusion	T	"PDGFB, USP6"	yes	Osteogenesis imperfecta	"1277,COL1A1,ENSG00000108821,P02452"
COL2A1	"collagen, type II, alpha 1"	1280	12:47973407-48004321	1		12q13.11	yes		"chondrosarcoma, enchondroma"			"L, E, M"	Rec	fusion	"F, Mis, N, T"		yes	"Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita, Achondrogenesis Type II, Stickler Syndrome, Type I and others"	"1280,AOM,COL2A1,ENSG00000139219,P02458,SEDC"
COL3A1	collagen type III alpha 1 chain	1281	2:188974490-189011774	2		2q32.2	yes		lipoblastoma			E		fusion	T	PLAG1			"1281,COL3A1,EDS4A,ENSG00000168542,P02461"
COX6C	cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIc	1345	8:99878148-99892021	2		8q22-q23	yes		uterine leiomyoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	HMGA2			"1345,COX6C,ENSG00000164919,P09669"
CPEB3	cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3	22849	10:92052212-92240350	2		10q23.32	yes		lung cancer			E		TSG	D				"22849,CPEB3,ENSG00000107864,Q8NE35"
CREB1	cAMP responsive element binding protein 1	1385	2:207555637-207597059	1		2q34	yes		"clear cell sarcoma, angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma"			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	EWSR1			"1385,CREB1,ENSG00000118260,P16220"
CREB3L1	cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1	90993	11:46278112-46320746	1	Yes	11p11.2	yes		myxofibrosarcoma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	FUS			"90993,CREB3L1,ENSG00000157613,Q96BA8"
CREB3L2	cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 2	64764	7:137880476-138001705	1	Yes	7q34	yes		fibromyxoid sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	FUS			"64764,CREB3L2,ENSG00000182158,Q70SY1"
CREBBP	CREB binding protein (CBP)	1387	16:3727718-3879916	1	Yes	16p13.3	yes		"ALL, AML, DLBCL, B-NHL"			L	Dom/Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, N, F, Mis, O"	"KMT2A, MORF, KAT6A"	yes	Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome	"1387,CREBBP,ENSG00000005339,Q92793,RSTS"
CRLF2	cytokine receptor-like factor 2	64109	"X,Y:1196780-1212634"	1	Yes	"Xp22.3; Yp11.3"	yes		"B-ALL, Downs associated ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, T"	"P2RY8, IGH"			"64109,CRLF2,ENSG00000205755"
CRNKL1	crooked neck pre-mRNA splicing factor 1	51340	20:20036195-20056014	2		20p11.23	yes		base cell carcinoma			E			Mis				"51340,CRNKL1,ENSG00000101343,Q9BZJ0"
CRTC1	CREB regulated transcription coactivator 1	23373	19:18683703-18777382	1	Yes	19p13.11	yes		salivary gland mucoepidermoid			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	MAML2			"23373,CRTC1,ENSG00000105662,MECT1,Q6UUV9"
CRTC3	CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3	64784	15:90530072-90642140	1		15q26.1	yes		salivary gland mucoepidermoid			E	Dom	fusion	T	MAML2			"64784,CRTC3,ENSG00000140577,Q6UUV7"
CSF1R	colony stimulating factor 1 receptor	1436	5:150054069-150086427	2		5q32	yes		"MDS, CML, AML, hemangioblastoma, CCRCC"			"L, M, E"		oncogene	"Mis, N"		yes	diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids	"1436,CSF1R,ENSG00000182578,FMS,P07333"
CSF3R	colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte)	1441	1:36466357-36479496	1		1p35-p34.4	yes		"aCML, CNL,  leukaemia lymphoma and MDS associated with severe congenital neutropenia, CMML, de novo AML, MDS"			L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"		yes	"Kostmann syndrome, severe congenital neutropenia"	"1441,CD114,CSF3R,ENSG00000119535,Q99062"
CSMD3	CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3	114788	8:112224771-113436854	2		8q23.3	yes		"ovarian cancer, oral SCC, lung cancer"			E		TSG	"Mis, N"				"114788,CSMD3,ENSG00000164796,Q7Z407"
CTCF	CCCTC-binding factor	10664	16:67610833-67637872	1	Yes	16q22.1	yes		"endometrial, breast, head and neck cancer"			E	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N"			"Mental retardation, autosomal dominant 21"	"10664,CTCF,ENSG00000102974,P49711"
CTNNA2	catenin alpha 2	1496	2:-	2		2p12	yes		gastric cancer			E		oncogene	"Mis, S"				
CTNNB1	"catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1"	1499	3:41224069-41239342	1		3p22-p21.3	yes		"colorectal, ovarian,  hepatoblastoma, pleomorphic salivary gland adenoma, other tumour types"			"E, M, O"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, O, T"	PLAG1			"1499,CTNNB,CTNNB1,ENSG00000168036,P35222"
CTNND1	catenin delta 1	1500	11:57791479-57816308	2		11q12.1	yes		large intestine carcinoma			E			N				"1500,CTNND,CTNND1,ENSG00000198561,O60716"
CTNND2	catenin delta 2	1501	5:10973453-11903853	2		5p15.2	yes		"prostae adenocarcinoma, GIST"			E		oncogene	Mis				"1501,CTNND2,ENSG00000169862,Q9UQB3"
CUL3	cullin 3	8452	2:224474245-224585009	2		2q36.2	yes		lung cancer			E		TSG	N				"8452,CUL3,ENSG00000036257,Q13618"
CUX1	cut-like homeobox 1	1523	7:101817640-102249042	1	Yes	7q22.1	yes		"endometrial, melanoma, colorectal, AML, MDS, other tumour types"			"E,L,M,O"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"N,F,S,Mis,O,T"	CLDN7			"1523,CUTL1,CUX1,ENSG00000257923,P39880"
CXCR4	C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4	7852	2:136114869-136115939	1	Yes	2q21	yes	yes	WM			L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N, F"				"7852,CXCR4,ENSG00000121966,P61073"
CYLD	familial cylindromatosis gene	1540	16:50749699-50796508	1	Yes	16q12-q13	yes	yes	cylindroma	cylindroma	"familial cylindromatosis, familial trichoepithelioma, Brooke-Spiegler syndrome"	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"1540,CYLD,CYLD1,ENSG00000083799,Q9NQC7"
CYP2C8	cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily C member 8	1558	10:95037128-95069402	2		10q23.33	yes		melanoma			E			Mis				"1558,CPC8,CYP2C8,ENSG00000138115,P450 MP-12/MP-20,P450MP-12/MP-20"
CYSLTR2	cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2	57105	13:48706818-48707858	2		13q14.2	yes		uveal melanoma			E		oncogene	Mis				"57105,CYSLTR2,ENSG00000152207,Q9NS75"
DAXX	death-domain associated protein	1616	6:33318743-33321925	1	Yes	6p21.3	yes		"pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour, paediatric glioblastoma"			E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F, N"				"1616,DAXX,ENSG00000204209,Q9UER7"
DCAF12L2	DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12 like 2	340578	X:126164533-126165924	2		Xq25	yes		CRC			E			Mis				"340578,DCAF12L2,ENSG00000198354,Q5VW00,WDR40C"
DCC	DCC netrin 1 receptor	1630	18:52340788-53530653	2		18q21.2	yes		"CRC, melanoma, SCC"			E			"Mis, N, D"				"1630,DCC,ENSG00000187323,P43146"
DCTN1	dynactin 1	1639	2:74361499-74380037	1		2p13	yes		"inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour, Spitzoid tumour"			M	Dom	fusion	T	"ALK, ROS1"	yes	"Distal hereditary motor neuronopathy, susceptibility to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Perry syndrome"	"1639,DCTN1,ENSG00000204843,Q14203"
DDB2	damage-specific DNA binding protein 2	1643	11:47215137-47238849	1	Yes	11p12		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (E)	E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N"				"1643,DDB2,ENSG00000134574,Q92466"
DDIT3	DNA-damage-inducible transcript 3	1649	12:57516809-57517406	1	Yes	12q13.1-q13.2	yes		liposarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"FUS, EWSR1"			"1649,DDIT3,ENSG00000175197,P35638"
DDR2	discoidin domain receptor 2	4921	1:162719064-162780246	1	Yes	1q12-q23	yes		"squamous cell carcinoma, NSCLC"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"		yes	"Spondylometaepiphyseal dysplasia, short limb-hand type"	"4921,DDR2,ENSG00000162733,NTRKR3,Q16832,TYRO10"
DDX10	DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 10	1662	11:108665154-108940423	1	Yes	11q22-q23	yes		AML*			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	NUP98			"1662,DDX10,ENSG00000178105,Q13206"
DDX3X	"DEAD-box helicase 3, X-linked"	1654	X:41334253-41347719	1	Yes	Xp11.4	yes		"CLL, medulloblastoma"			"L, O"		TSG	"Mis, N, F"		yes	"Mental retardation, X-linked 102"	"1654,DDX3,DDX3X,ENSG00000215301,O00571"
DDX5	DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 5	1655	17:64499923-64506119	1	Yes	17q21	yes		prostate			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ETV4			"1655,DDX5,ENSG00000108654,G17P1,HLR1,P17844"
DDX6	DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 6	1656	11:118754712-118786218	1	Yes	11q23.3	yes		B-NHL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"1656,DDX6,ENSG00000110367,HLR2,P26196"
DEK	DEK oncogene (DNA binding)	7913	6:18225719-18263987	1		6p23	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP214			"7913,DEK,ENSG00000124795,P35659"
DGCR8	"DGCR8, microprocessor complex subunit"	54487	22:20085964-20110108	2		22q11.21	yes		Wilms tumour			O		oncogene	Mis				"54487,C22orf12,DGCR8,ENSG00000128191,Q8WYQ5"
DICER1	"dicer 1, ribonuclease type III"	23405	14:95090498-95133458	1	Yes	14q32.13	yes	yes	"sex cord-stromal tumour, TGCT, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pleuropulmonary blastoma, pituitary blastoma, Wilms tumour, thyroid cancer, other tumour types"	pleuropulmonary blastoma	familial pleuropulmonary blastoma or DICER1 syndrome	"E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N"				"23405,DICER1,ENSG00000100697,MNG1,Q9UPY3"
DNAJB1	DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B1	3337	19:14515940-14518349	1		19p13.2	yes		fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma			E	Dom	fusion	T	PRKACA			"3337,DNAJB1,ENSG00000132002,HSPF1,P25685"
DNM2	dynamin 2	1785	19:10718243-10831047	1	Yes	19p13.2	yes		T-ALL			L	Rec	TSG	"F, N, S, Mis, O"		yes	"Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, centronuclear myopathy,  lethal congenital contracture syndrome 5"	"1785,DNM2,ENSG00000079805,P50570"
DNMT3A	DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha	1788	2:25234279-25313984	1		2p23	yes		AML			L	Dom	TSG	"Mis, F, N, S"				"1788,DNMT3A,ENSG00000119772,Q9Y6K1"
DROSHA	drosha ribonuclease III	29102	5:31401432-31529059	1	Yes	5q11.2	yes		"Wilms tumour, NSCLC, bladder carcinoma"			"E, O"		TSG	"A, Mis, N, F"				"29102,DROSHA,ENSG00000113360,Q9NRR4,RNASEN"
DUX4L1	double homeobox 4 like 1	22947	4:190084229-190085686	2		4q35	yes		soft tissue sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	CIC			"22947,DUX4,ENSG00000258389"
EBF1	early B-cell factor 1	1879	5:158699111-159099478	1	Yes	5q34	yes		lipoma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"1879,EBF,EBF1,ENSG00000164330,Q9UH73"
ECT2L	epithelial cell transforming sequence 2 oncogene-like	345930	6:138813275-138902627	2		6q24.1	yes		ETP ALL			L	Rec		"N, S, Mis"				"345930,C6orf91,ECT2L,ENSG00000203734,Q008S8"
EED	embryonic ectoderm development	8726	11:86245230-86278525	2		11q14.2	yes		"malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours, MDS and related, lung adenocarcinoma"			"E, L"		TSG	"Mis, F"				"8726,EED,ENSG00000074266,O75530"
EGFR	"epidermal growth factor receptor (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian)"	1956	7:55019278-55205617	1	Yes	7p12.3-p12.1	yes	yes	"glioma, NSCLC"	NSCLC	familial lung cancer	"E, O"	Dom	oncogene	"A, O, Mis"				"1956,EGFR,ENSG00000146648,ERBB,P00533"
EIF1AX	"eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-linked"	1964	X:20128306-20141640	2		Xp22.12	yes		"uveal melanoma, thyroid cancer (PDTC and ATC), low grade serous ovarian cancer"			E			"Mis, S"				"1964,EIF1A,EIF1AX,EIF4C,ENSG00000173674,P47813"
EIF3E	"eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit E"	3646	8:108201885-108248702	1	Yes	8q22-q23	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RSPO3			"3646,EIF3E,EIF3S6,ENSG00000104408,INT6,P60228"
EIF4A2	"eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, isoform 2"	1974	3:186783611-186789269	1	Yes	3q27.3	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"1974,EIF4A2,EIF4F,ENSG00000156976,Q14240"
ELF3	E74 like ETS transcription factor 3	1999	1:202011137-202015323	2		1q32.1	yes		pancreatic cancer			E		TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"1999,ELF3,ENSG00000163435,ESX,P78545"
ELF4	E74-like factor 4 (ets domain transcription factor)	2000	X:130066721-130081330	1	Yes	Xq26	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	ERG			"2000,ELF4,ENSG00000102034,Q99607"
ELK4	"ELK4, ETS-domain protein (SRF accessory protein 1)"	2005	1:205616546-205623882	1	Yes	1q32	yes		prostate			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	SLC45A3			"2005,ELK4,ENSG00000158711,P28324"
ELL	ELL gene (11-19 lysine-rich leukemia gene)	8178	19:18444752-18522055	1	Yes	19p13.1	yes		AL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"8178,C19orf17,ELL,ENSG00000105656,P55199"
ELN	elastin	2006	7:74028188-74068700	2		7q11.23	yes		B-ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	PAX5	yes	"Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis, Cutis laxa , Williams-Beuren Syndrome"	"2006,ELN,ENSG00000049540,P15502"
EML4	echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4	27436	2:42169613-42330208	1	Yes	2p21	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"27436,C2orf2,EML4,ENSG00000143924,Q9HC35"
EP300	300 kd E1A-Binding protein gene	2033	22:41093005-41178956	1	Yes	22q13	yes		"colorectal, breast, pancreatic, AML, ALL, DLBCL"			"L, E"	Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"T,  N, F, Mis, O"	"KMT2A, KAT6A"			"2033,ENSG00000100393,EP300,Q09472"
EPAS1	endothelial PAS domain protein 1	2034	2:46297912-46384660	1	Yes	2p21-p16	yes		"paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma, central nervous system hemangioblastomas"			"E, M"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis		yes	type 3 familial erythrocytosis	"2034,ENSG00000116016,EPAS1,Q99814"
EPHA3	EPH receptor A3	2042	3:89107749-89479502	2		3p11.1	yes		"lung cancer, CRC, melanoma"			E			Mis				"2042,ENSG00000044524,EPHA3,ETK,ETK1,P29320,TYRO4"
EPHA7	EPH receptor A7	2045	6:93243426-93419341	2		6q16.1	yes		"CRC, melanoma"			E			Mis				"2045,ENSG00000135333,EPHA7,Q15375"
EPS15	epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 (AF1p)	2060	1:51356700-51519231	1	Yes	1p32	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"2060,ENSG00000085832,EPS15,P42566"
ERBB2	"v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian)"	2064	17:39700239-39728044	1	Yes	17q21.1	yes		"breast, ovarian, other tumour types, NSCLC, gastric"			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"A, Mis, O"				"2064,ENSG00000141736,ERBB2,HER2,NGL,P04626"
ERBB3	erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3	2065	12:56080301-56102055	1	Yes	12q13	yes		"colon, gastric, head and neck, bladder, skin"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"				"2065,ENSG00000065361,ERBB3,LCCS2,P21860"
ERBB4	erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4	2066	2:211383615-212538530	1	Yes	2q33.3-q34	yes	yes	"melanoma, gastric, NSCLC"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N"		yes	Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 19	"2066,ENSG00000178568,ERBB4,Q15303"
ERC1	ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1	23085	12:1027904-1490230	1	Yes	12p13.3	yes		"papillary thyroid, Spitzoid tumour"			E	Dom	fusion	T	"RET, ROS1"			"23085,ENSG00000082805,ERC1,Q8IUD2,RAB6IP2"
ERCC2	"excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 (xeroderma pigmentosum D)"	2068	19:45351629-45370237	1	Yes	19q13.2-q13.3		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (D)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2068,ENSG00000104884,ERCC2,P18074,XPD"
ERCC3	"excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 3 (xeroderma pigmentosum group B complementing)"	2071	2:127257596-127294081	1	Yes	2q21		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (B)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, S"				"2071,ENSG00000163161,ERCC3,P19447"
ERCC4	"excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 4"	2072	16:13920166-13948347	1	Yes	16p13.3-p13.13		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (F)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"2072,ENSG00000175595,ERCC4,Q92889,XPF"
ERCC5	"excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 5 (xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group G (Cockayne syndrome))"	2073	13:102846267-102875903	1	Yes	13q33		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (G)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"2073,ENSG00000134899,ERCC5,ERCM2,P28715,XPGC"
ERG	v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene like (avian)	2078	21:38383403-38575700	1	Yes	21q22.3	yes		"Ewing sarcoma, prostate, AML"			"M, E, L"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, A"	"EWSR1, TMPRSS2, ELF4, FUS, HERPUD1, NDRG1"			"2078,ENSG00000157554,ERG,P11308"
ESR1	estrogen receptor 1	2099	6:151807913-152098966	1	Yes	6q25.1	yes		breast			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	Mis				"2099,ENSG00000091831,ESR,ESR1,P03372"
ETNK1	ethanolamine kinase 1	55500	12:22625164-22684954	1	Yes	12p12.1	yes		"aCML, CMML, SM-AHD, HES"			L	Dom	TSG	Mis				"55500,ENSG00000139163,ETNK1,Q9HBU6"
ETV1	ets variant gene 1	2115	7:13895866-13989052	1		7p22	yes		"Ewing sarcoma, prostate"			"M, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"EWSR1, TMPRSS2, SLC45A3, HMGN2P46, HNRNPA2B1. ACSL3"			"2115,ENSG00000006468,ETV1,P50549"
ETV4	"ets variant gene 4 (E1A enhancer binding protein, E1AF)"	2118	17:43528519-43545617	1		17q21	yes		"Ewing sarcoma, prostate carcinoma"			"M, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"EWSR1, TMPRSS2, DDX5, KLK2, CANT1"			"2118,ENSG00000175832,ETV4,P43268"
ETV5	ets variant gene 5	2119	3:186048639-186105868	1		3q28	yes		prostate			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"TMPRSS2, SCL45A3"			"2119,ENSG00000244405,ETV5,P41161"
ETV6	ets variant gene 6 (TEL oncogene)	2120	12:11650128-11891046	1	Yes	12p13	yes		"congenital fibrosarcoma, multiple different leukaemia and lymphoma tumour types including ALL, secretory breast, MDS"			"L, E, M"	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"NTRK3, RUNX1, PDGFRB, ABL1, MN1, ABL2, ACSL6, CHIC2, ARNT, JAK2, MECOM, CDX2, RNF217-AS1, MNX1, MDS2, PER1, SYK, TTL, FGFR3, PAX5"			"2120,ENSG00000139083,ETV6,P41212"
EWSR1	Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 (EWS)	2130	22:29268337-29300161	1	Yes	22q12	yes		"Ewing sarcoma, desmoplastic small round cell tumour , ALL, clear cell sarcoma, sarcoma, myoepithelioma, mesothelioma"			"L, M, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"FLI1, ERG, NR4A3, FEV, ATF1, ETV1, ETV4, WT1, ZNF384, CREB1, POU5F1,  PBX1, NFATC1, NFATC2, DDIT3, PATZ1, SMARCA5, SP3, ZNF444, YY1"			"2130,ENSG00000182944,EWSR1,Q01844"
EXT1	multiple exostoses type 1 gene	2131	8:117799712-118111046	1		8q24.11-q24.13		yes		"exostoses, osteosarcoma"	multiple exostoses type 1	M	Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2131,ENSG00000182197,EXT1,LGCR,LGS,Q16394"
EXT2	multiple exostoses type 2 gene	2132	11:44107713-44244287	1		11p12-p11		yes		"exostoses, osteosarcoma"	multiple exostoses type 2	M	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2132,ENSG00000151348,EXT2,Q93063"
EZH2	enhancer of zeste homolog 2	2146	7:148807646-148847298	1		7q35-q36	yes		DLBCL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis				"2146,ENSG00000106462,EZH2,Q15910"
EZR	ezrin	7430	6:158766914-158818093	1	Yes	6q25.3	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"7430,ENSG00000092820,EZR,P15311,VIL2"
FAM131B	"family with sequence similarity 131, member B"	9715	7:143356550-143360093	2		7q34	yes		pilocytic astrocytoma			O	Dom	fusion	T	BRAF			"9715,ENSG00000159784,FAM131B,Q86XD5"
FAM135B	family with sequence similarity 135 member B	51059	8:138132593-138367983	2		8q24.23	yes		SCLC			E			Mis				"51059,ENSG00000147724,FAM135B,Q49AJ0"
FAM46C	"family with sequence similarity 46, member C"	54855	1:117622869-117624044	1		1p12	yes		MM			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, O"				"54855,ENSG00000183508,FAM46C,Q5VWP2"
FAM47C	family with sequence similarity 47 member C	442444	X:37008411-37011518	2		Xp21.1	yes		"melanoma, clear cell sarcoma of soft parts, SCLC"			"E, M"			Mis				"442444,ENSG00000198173,FAM47C,Q5HY64"
FANCA	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group A"	2175	16:89738601-89816615	1		16q24.3		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia A	L	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"2175,ENSG00000187741,FACA,FANCA,FANCH,O15360"
FANCC	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group C"	2176	9:95101707-95249291	1		9q22.3		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia C	L	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"2176,ENSG00000158169,FACC,FANCC,Q00597"
FANCD2	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group D2"	2177	3:10028658-10098950	1	Yes	3p26		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia D2	L	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F"				"2177,ENSG00000144554,FACD,FANCD,FANCD2,Q9BXW9"
FANCE	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group E"	2178	6:35452546-35466345	1		6p21-p22		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia E	L	Rec	TSG	"N, F, S"				"2178,ENSG00000112039,FACE,FANCE,Q9HB96"
FANCF	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group F"	2188	11:22624686-22625810	1		11p15		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia F	L	Rec	TSG	"N, F"				"2188,ENSG00000183161,FANCF,Q9NPI8"
FANCG	"Fanconi anemia, complementation group G"	2189	9:35074108-35079524	1		9p13		yes		"AML, leukaemia"	Fanconi anaemia G	L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2189,ENSG00000221829,FANCG,O15287,XRCC9"
FAS	Fas cell surface death receptor	355	10:88990877-89014450	1	Yes	10q24.1	yes		"TGCT, nasal NK/T lymphoma, skin squamous cell carcinoma-burn scar related"			"L, E, O"	Rec	TSG	Mis		yes	Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome	"355,ALPS1A,APO-1,APT1,CD95,ENSG00000026103,FAS,FAS1,FASTM,P25445,TNFRSF6"
FAT1	FAT atypical cadherin 1	2195	4:186588592-186709827	1	Yes	4q35.2	yes	yes	"oral squamous cell, chemorefractory CLL, head and neck, pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma"	pancreatic		"E, L"		TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2195,ENSG00000083857,FAT,FAT1,Q14517"
FAT3	FAT atypical cadherin 3	120114	11:92837714-92891113	2		11q14.3	yes		"SCC, colon adenocarcinoma, gastric adenocarcinoma"			E			Mis				"120114,ENSG00000165323,FAT3,Q8TDW7"
FAT4	FAT atypical cadherin 4	79633	4:125316412-125491768	1	Yes	4q28.1	yes		"lymphoma, pancreatic, head and neck, melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma"			"E, L"		TSG	"Mis, N"		yes	"Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome 2, Van Maldergem syndrome 2"	"79633,ENSG00000196159,FAT4"
FBLN2	fibulin 2	2199	3:13618090-13637919	2		3p25.1	yes		"breast cancer, colorectal adenocarcinoma"			E		TSG	"Mis, S"				"2199,ENSG00000163520,FBLN2,P98095"
FBXO11	F-box protein 11	80204	2:47808118-47839749	1		2p16.3	yes		DLBCL			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, D"				"80204,ENSG00000138081,FBXO11,Q86XK2"
FBXW7	"F-box and WD-40 domain protein 7 (archipelago homolog, Drosophila)"	55294	4:152322881-152411803	1	Yes	4q31.3	yes		"colorectal, endometrial, T-ALL"			"E, L"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, D, F"				"55294,ENSG00000109670,FBXW7,Q969H0"
FCGR2B	"Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIb, receptor for (CD32)"	2213	1:161663242-161677553	1	Yes	1q23	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	?			"2213,ENSG00000072694,FCG2,FCGR2,FCGR2B,P31994"
FCRL4	Fc receptor-like 4	83417	1:157575524-157597944	1		1q21	yes		B-NHL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"83417,ENSG00000163518,FCRL4,Q96PJ5"
FEN1	flap structure-specific endonuclease 1	2237	11:61795362-61796504	2		11q12.2		yes		breast cancer		E		TSG					"2237,ENSG00000168496,FEN1,P39748,RAD2"
FES	"FES proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase"	2242	15:90885046-90895558	1		15q26.1	yes		"HNSCC, ovarian carcinoma"			E		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F"				"2242,ENSG00000182511,FES,P07332"
FEV	FEV protein - (HSRNAFEV)	54738	2:218981667-218985075	1		2q36	yes		Ewing sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"EWSR1,  FUS"			"54738,ENSG00000163497,FEV,Q99581"
FGFR1	fibroblast growth factor receptor 1	2260	8:38413628-38457446	1	Yes	8p11.2-p11.1	yes		"MPN, NHL, salivary adenoma"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"BCR, FOP, ZMYM2, CNTRL, PLAG1"	yes	"Pfeiffer syndrome, Kallman syndrome"	"2260,ENSG00000077782,FGFR1,FLT2,KAL2,P11362"
FGFR1OP	FGFR1 oncogene partner (FOP)	11116	6:166999414-167039979	1		6q27	yes		"MPN, NHL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	FGFR1			"11116,ENSG00000213066,FGFR1OP,O95684"
FGFR2	fibroblast growth factor receptor 2	2263	10:121479857-121593817	1	Yes	10q26	yes		"gastric, NSCLC, endometrial"			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	Mis		yes	"Crouzon, Pfeiffer, and Apert syndromes"	"2263,BEK,CFD1,ENSG00000066468,FGFR2,JWS,KGFR,P21802"
FGFR3	fibroblast growth factor receptor 3	2261	4:1793935-1807262	1	Yes	4p16.3	yes		"bladder, MM, T-cell lymphoma"			"L, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, T"	"IGH, ETV6"	yes	"Hypochondroplasia, Thanatophoric dysplasia"	"2261,ACH,ENSG00000068078,FGFR3,P22607"
FGFR4	fibroblast growth factor receptor 4	2264	5:177089603-177097676	1	Yes	5q35.2	yes		rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"2264,ENSG00000160867,FGFR4,P22455"
FH	fumarate hydratase	2271	1:241497828-241519722	1		1q42.1		yes		"leiomyomatosis, renal"	hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer	"E, M"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"2271,ENSG00000091483,FH,P07954"
FHIT	fragile histidine triad gene	2272	3:59752226-60536962	1	Yes	3p14.2	yes		pleomorphic salivary gland adenoma			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"2272,ENSG00000189283,FHIT,P49789"
FIP1L1	FIP1 like 1 (S. cerevisiae)	81608	4:53377840-53459450	1	Yes	4q12	yes		idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRA			"81608,ENSG00000145216,FIP1L1,Q6UN15"
FKBP9	FK506 binding protein 9	11328	7:32957574-33005351	2		7p14.3	yes		glioma			O			Mis				"11328,ENSG00000122642,FKBP9,O95302"
FLCN	folliculin	201163	17:17213655-17228137	1		17p11.2		yes		"renal, fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas"	Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome	"E, M"	Rec	TSG	"Mis. N, F"				"201163,ENSG00000154803,FLCN,Q8NFG4"
FLI1	Friend leukemia virus integration 1	2313	11:128694259-128810988	1		11q24	yes		Ewing sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	EWSR1			"2313,ENSG00000151702,FLI1,Q01543"
FLNA	filamin A	2316	X:154348849-154371245	2		Xq28	yes		phyllodes tumour of the breast			E			"Mis, F, O"				"2316,ENSG00000196924,FLN,FLN1,FLNA,OPD1,OPD2,P21333"
FLT3	fms-related tyrosine kinase 3	2322	13:28004052-28100510	1	Yes	13q12	yes		"AML, ALL"			L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, O"				"2322,ENSG00000122025,FLT3,P36888"
FLT4	fms-related tyrosine kinase 4	2324	5:180608281-180649545	1	Yes	5q35.3	yes		soft tissue sarcoma			M	Dom	oncogene	A				"2324,ENSG00000037280,FLT4,P35916"
FNBP1	formin binding protein 1 (FBP17)	23048	9:129890539-130042975	2		9q23	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"23048,ENSG00000187239,FNBP1"
FOXA1	forkhead box A1	3169	14:37591365-37594972	1	Yes	14q12-q13	yes		"breast, prostate"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, F"				"3169,ENSG00000129514,FOXA1,HNF3A,P55317"
FOXL2	forkhead box L2	668	3:138945592-138946722	1		3q23	yes		granulosa-cell tumour of the ovary			O	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis		yes	"Blepharophimosis, ptosis and epicanthus inversus Types I, II; Premature ovarian failure type III"	"668,BPES,ENSG00000183770,FOXL2,P58012"
FOXO1	forkhead box O1	2308	13:40555680-40666212	1		13q14.1	yes		alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"PAX3, PAX7"			"2308,ENSG00000150907,FKHR,FOXO1,FOXO1A,Q12778"
FOXO3	forkhead box O3	2309	6:108561209-108664855	1		6q21	yes		AL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"2309,ENSG00000118689,FKHRL1,FOXO3,FOXO3A,O43524"
FOXO4	forkhead box O4	4303	X:71096529-71102084	1		Xq13.1	yes		"AL, soft tissue sarcoma"			"L, M"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"KMT2A, CIC"			"4303,ENSG00000184481,FOXO4,MLLT7,P98177"
FOXP1	forkhead box P1	27086	3:70959247-71198381	1		3p14.1	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	PAX5			"27086,ENSG00000114861,FOXP1,Q9H334"
FOXR1	forkhead box R1	283150	11:118971932-118981236	2		11q23.3	yes		neuroblastoma			O		"oncogene, fusion"	T				"283150,ENSG00000176302,FOXR1,Q6PIV2"
FSTL3	follistatin-like 3 (secreted glycoprotein)	10272	19:676425-681709	1		19p13	yes		B-CLL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	CCND1			"10272,ENSG00000070404,FSTL3,O95633"
FUBP1	far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 1	8880	1:77949146-77979004	1	Yes	1p13.1	yes		oligodendroglioma			O	Rec	oncogene	"F, N"				"8880,ENSG00000162613,FUBP,FUBP1,Q96AE4"
FUS	"fusion, derived from t(12;16) malignant liposarcoma"	2521	16:31180215-31191438	1	Yes	16p11.2	yes		"liposarcoma, AML, Ewing sarcoma, angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma, fibromyxoid sarcoma"			"M, L"	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"DDIT3, ERG, FEV, ATF1, CREB3L2, CREB3L1, NFATC2"			"2521,ALS6,ENSG00000089280,FUS,P35637"
GAS7	growth arrest-specific 7	8522	17:9917228-10198390	1	Yes	17p	yes		AML*			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"8522,ENSG00000007237,GAS7,O60861"
GATA1	GATA binding protein 1 (globin transcription factor 1)	2623	X:48791110-48794164	1		Xp11.23	yes		megakaryoblastic leukaemia of Downs syndrome			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F"				"2623,ENSG00000102145,GATA1,GF1,P15976"
GATA2	GATA binding protein 2	2624	3:128481019-128487031	1		3q21.3	yes		AML (CML blast transformation)			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"2624,ENSG00000179348,GATA2,P23769"
GATA3	GATA binding protein 3	2625	10:8055656-8074023	1		10p15	yes		breast			E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"F, N, S"		yes	"HDR syndrome (hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal disease)"	"2625,ENSG00000107485,GATA3,P23771"
GLI1	GLI family zinc finger 1	2735	12:57463692-57472061	2		12q13.3	yes		"CRC, oesophagus cancer"			E		"oncogene, fusion"	"T, F"		yes	IBD	"2735,ENSG00000111087,GLI,GLI1,P08151"
GMPS	guanine monphosphate synthetase	8833	3:155870871-155937692	2		3q24	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"8833,ENSG00000163655,GMPS,P49915"
GNA11	"guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class)"	2767	19:3094652-3121179	1	Yes	19p13.3	yes		"uveal melanoma, primary central nervous system melanocytic neoplasms"			"E, O"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"2767,ENSG00000088256,GNA11,HHC2,P29992"
GNAQ	"guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide"	2776	9:77721323-78031235	1	Yes	9q21	yes		"uveal melanoma, primary central nervous system melanocytic neoplasms"			"E, O"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"2776,ENSG00000156052,GNAQ,P50148"
GNAS	"guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha stimulating activity polypeptide 1"	2778	20:58891727-58910829	1	Yes	20q13.2	yes		"pituitary adenoma, pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, fibrous dysplasia"			"E, M"	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	"McCune-Albright syndrome; pseudohypoparathyroidism, type IA"	"2778,ENSG00000087460,GNAS,GNAS1,P63092"
GOLGA5	"golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 5  (PTC5)"	9950	14:92797439-92839447	1		14q	yes		"papillary thyroid, Spitzoid tumour"			E	Dom	fusion	T	RET			"9950,ENSG00000066455,GOLGA5,Q8TBA6"
GOPC	golgi associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif containing	57120	6:117563254-117602288	1		6q21	yes		"glioblastoma, cholangiocarcinoma, borderline ovarian"			"E, O"	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"57120,ENSG00000047932,GOPC,Q9HD26"
GPC3	glypican 3	2719	X:133536124-133985449	1	Yes	Xq26.1		yes		Wilms tumour	Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome	O	Rec/X	"oncogene, TSG"	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"2719,ENSG00000147257,GPC3,P51654,SDYS"
GPC5	glypican 5	2262	13:91399047-92866439	2		13q31.3	yes		lung adenocarcinoma			E		TSG	D				"2262,ENSG00000179399,GPC5,P78333"
GPHN	gephyrin (GPH)	10243	14:66508529-67180938	1		14q24	yes		AL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"10243,ENSG00000171723,GPHN,Q9NQX3"
GRIN2A	"glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2A"	2903	16:9763149-10180411	1		16p13.2	yes		"melanoma, colorectal carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, lung carcinoma"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, O"		yes	Focal epilepsy and speech disorder with or without mental retardation	"2903,ENSG00000183454,GRIN2A,NMDAR2A,Q12879"
GRM3	glutamate metabotropic receptor 3	2913	7:86765146-86864355	2		7q21.11-q21.12	yes		"melanoma, oral SCC"			E		oncogene	"Mis, A"				"2913,ENSG00000198822,GRM3,Q14832"
H3F3A	"H3 histone, family 3A"	3020	1:226064352-226071479	1	Yes	1q42.12	yes		glioma			O	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3020,ENSG00000163041,H3F3,H3F3A,P84243"
H3F3B	"H3 histone, family 3B (H3.3B)"	3021	17:75778595-75779174	1		17q25.1	yes		chondroblastoma			M	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3020,ENSG00000132475,H3F3B,P84243"
HERPUD1	"homocysteine-inducible, endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible, ubiquitin-like domain member 1"	9709	16:56932245-56943290	1		16q12.2-q13	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	ERG			"9709,ENSG00000051108,HERPUD1,Q15011"
HEY1	hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 1	23462	8:79765188-79767663	1	Yes	8q21	yes		mesenchymal chondrosarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NCOA2			"23462,ENSG00000164683,HEY1,Q9Y5J3"
HIF1A	hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit	3091	14:61695805-61747085	1	Yes	14q23.2	yes		"endometrioid carcinoma, glioblastoma, colorectal, renal, lung, pancreatic"			"E, O"	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, F, N"				"3091,ENSG00000100644,HIF1A,Q16665"
HIP1	huntingtin interacting protein 1	3092	7:75538172-75738920	1	Yes	7q11.23	yes		"CMML, NSCLC"			"L, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"PDGFRB, ALK"			"3092,ENSG00000127946,HIP1,O00291"
HIST1H3B	"histone cluster 1, H3b"	8358	6:26031650-26032060	1		6p22.1	yes		glioma			O	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"8350,ENSG00000124693,H3FL,HIST1H3B,P68431"
HIST1H4I	"histone 1, H4i (H4FM)"	8294	6:27107089-27107660	1		6p21.3	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			
HLA-A	"major histocompatibility complex, class I, A"	3105	6:29942554-29945455	1		6p21.3	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1	yes	Carbamazepine-induced hypersensitivity syndrome	"3105,ENSG00000206503,HLA-A,P04439"
HLF	hepatic leukemia factor	3131	17:55265486-55320880	1		17q22	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TCF3			"3131,ENSG00000108924,HLF,Q16534"
HMGA1	high mobility group AT-hook 1	3159	6:34240781-34244884	1		6p21	yes		"microfollicular thyroid adenoma, various benign mesenchymal tumours"			"E, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	?			"3159,ENSG00000137309,HMGA1,HMGIY,P17096"
HMGA2	high mobility group AT-hook 2 (HMGIC)	8091	12:65825271-65963292	1		12q15	yes		"lipoma, leiomyoma, pleomorphic salivary gland adenoma"			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"LHFP, RAD51B, LPP, COX6C, ACKR3, NFIB, ALDH2, CCNB1IP1, EBF1, WIF1, FHIT"			"8091,ENSG00000149948,HMGA2,HMGIC,P52926"
HMGN2P46	high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2 pseudogene 46	283651	15:-	2		15q21.1	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	ETV1			
HNF1A	HNF1 homeobox A	6927	12:120978769-121001192	1	Yes	12q24.2	yes	yes	"hepatic adenoma, hepatocellular"	"hepatic adenoma, hepatocellular carcinoma"	familial hepatic adenoma	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F"		yes	"Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, TYPE III"	"6927,ENSG00000135100,HNF1A,MODY3,TCF1"
HNRNPA2B1	heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1	3181	7:26190125-26200577	1	Yes	7p15	yes		prostate			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ETV1			"3181,ENSG00000122566,HNRNPA2B1,HNRPA2B1,P22626"
HOOK3	hook homolog 3	84376	8:42897132-43018498	1		8p11.21	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	fusion	T	RET			"84376,ENSG00000168172,HOOK3,Q86VS8"
HOXA11	homeo box A11	3207	7:27182796-27185144	1	Yes	7p15-p14.2	yes		CML			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3207,ENSG00000005073,HOX1,HOX1I,HOXA11,P31270"
HOXA13	homeo box A13	3209	7:27198198-27200077	1		7p15-p14.2	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3209,ENSG00000106031,HOX1,HOX1J,HOXA13,P31271"
HOXA9	homeo box A9	3205	7:27163603-27165457	1		7p15-p14.2	yes		AML*			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"NUP98, MSI2"			"3205,ENSG00000078399,HOX1,HOX1G,HOXA9,P31269"
HOXC11	homeo box C11	3227	12:53973243-53975414	1		12q13.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3227,ENSG00000123388,HOX3H,HOXC11,O43248"
HOXC13	homeo box C13	3229	12:53938908-53945257	1		12q13.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3229,ENSG00000123364,HOX3,HOX3G,HOXC13,P31276"
HOXD11	homeo box D11	3237	2:176107357-176109143	1		2q31-q32	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3237,ENSG00000128713,HOX4,HOX4F,HOXD11,P31277"
HOXD13	homeo box D13	3239	2:176092916-176094731	1		2q31-q32	yes		AML*			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"3239,HOX4I,HOXD13,P35453,SPD"
HRAS	v-Ha-ras Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog	3265	11:532636-534322	1	Yes	11p15.5	yes	yes	"infrequent sarcomas, rare other tumour types"	"rhabdomyosarcoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, bladder"	Costello syndrome	"E, L, M"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3265,ENSG00000174775,HRAS,HRAS1,P01112"
HSP90AA1	"heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1"	3320	14:102081712-102139404	1		14q32.33	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"3320,ENSG00000080824,HSP90AA1,HSPC1,HSPCA,P07900"
HSP90AB1	"heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1"	3326	6:44248630-44253598	1		6p12	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"3326,ENSG00000096384,HSP90AB1,HSPC2,HSPCB,P08238"
ID3	"inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein"	3399	1:23558960-23559426	2		1p36.12	yes		Burkitt lymphoma			L		TSG	"Mis, N"				"3399,ENSG00000117318,ID3,Q02535"
IDH1	"isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble"	3417	2:208237079-208251551	1	Yes	2q33.3	yes		glioblastoma			O	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3417,ENSG00000138413,IDH1,O75874"
IDH2	"isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial"	3418	15:90084266-90102390	1	Yes	15q26.1	yes		glioblastoma			O	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3418,ENSG00000182054,IDH2,P48735"
IGF2BP2	insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2	10644	3:185645531-185824960	2		3q27.2	yes		lymphoma			L		TSG	D		yes	"Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent, susceptibility"	"10644,ENSG00000073792,IGF2BP2,Q9Y6M1"
IGH	immunoglobulin heavy locus	3492	14:-	1	Yes	14q32.33	yes		"MM, Burkitt lymphoma, NHL, CLL, B-ALL, MALT, MLCLS"			L	Dom	fusion	T	"MYC, FGFR3, PAX5, FCRL4, IRF4, CCND1, BCL9, BCL8, BCL6, BCL2, BCL3, BCL10, BCL11A. LHX4, DDX6, NFKB2, PAFAH1B2, PCSK7, CRLF2"			
IGK	immunoglobulin kappa locus	50802	2:-	1		2p12	yes		"Burkitt lymphoma, B-NHL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	"MYC, KDSR"			
IGL	immunoglobulin lambda locus	3535	22:-	1		22q11.2	yes		Burkitt lymphoma			L	Dom	fusion	T	"BCL9, MYC, CCND2"			
IKBKB	"inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase beta"	3551	8:42272100-42330979	1		8p11.2	yes		SMZL			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Immunodeficiency 15	"3551,ENSG00000104365,IKBKB,O14920"
IKZF1	IKAROS family zinc finger 1	10320	7:50319062-50400628	1		7p12.2	yes		"ALL, DLBCL"			L	Dom/Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"D,T"	BCL6			"10320,ENSG00000185811,IKZF1,Q13422,ZNFN1A1"
IL2	interleukin 2	3558	4:122451752-122456440	1		4q26-q27	yes		intestinal T-cell lymphoma			L	Dom	fusion	T	TNFRSF17			"3558,ENSG00000109471,IL2,P60568"
IL21R	interleukin 21 receptor	50615	16:27430073-27449284	1		16p11	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"50615,ENSG00000103522,IL21R,Q9HBE5"
IL6ST	"interleukin 6 signal transducer (gp130, oncostatin M receptor)"	3572	5:55941082-55976278	1	Yes	5q11	yes		hepatocellular carcinoma			E	Dom	oncogene	O				"3572,ENSG00000134352,IL6ST,P40189"
IL7R	interleukin 7 receptor	3575	5:35856978-35876486	1		5p13	yes		"ALL, ETP ALL"			L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, O"		yes	Severe combined immune deficiency	"3575,ENSG00000168685,IL7R,P16871"
IRF4	interferon regulatory factor 4	3662	6:393154-407599	1		6p25-p23	yes		MM			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	IGH			"3662,ENSG00000137265,IRF4,MUM1,Q15306"
IRS4	insulin receptor substrate 4	8471	X:108732571-108736344	1		Xq22.3	yes		"glioma, rhabdomyosarcoma, melanoma, breast cancer, T-ALL"			"E, O, M, L"		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F, T"	TRB			"8471,ENSG00000133124,IRS4,O14654"
ISX	intestine specific homeobox	91464	22:35067088-35085693	2		22q12.3	yes		melanoma			E			Mis				"91464,ENSG00000175329,ISX,Q2M1V0"
ITGAV	integrin subunit alpha V	3685	2:186590339-186677292	2		2q32.1	yes		large intestine carcinoma			E			F				"3685,ENSG00000138448,ITGAV,MSK8,P06756,VNRA,VTNR"
ITK	IL2-inducible T-cell kinase	3702	5:157180978-157252678	1		5q31-q32	yes		peripheral T-cell lymphoma			L	Dom	fusion	T	SYK			"3702,ENSG00000113263,ITK,Q08881"
JAK1	Janus kinase 1	3716	1:64834562-64886264	1	Yes	1p32.3-p31.3	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis				"3716,ENSG00000162434,JAK1,JAK1B,P23458"
JAK2	Janus kinase 2	3717	9:5021988-5126791	1	Yes	9p24	yes		"ALL, AML, MPN,  CML"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis, O"	"ETV6, PCM1, BCR"			"3717,ENSG00000096968,JAK2,O60674"
JAK3	Janus kinase 3	3718	19:17826743-17844417	1	Yes	19p13.1	yes		"acute megakaryocytic leukaemia, ETP ALL"			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3718,ENSG00000105639,JAK3,P52333"
JAZF1	juxtaposed with another zinc finger gene 1	221895	7:27832800-28180577	2		7p15.2-p15.1	yes		endometrial stromal tumour			M	Dom	fusion	T	SUZ12			"221895,ENSG00000153814,JAZF1,Q86VZ6"
JUN	jun oncogene	3725	1:58782075-58783070	1		1p32-p31	yes		sarcoma			M	Dom	oncogene	A				"3725,ENSG00000177606,JUN,P05412"
KAT6A	K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6A	7994	8:-	1		8p11	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, A"	"CREBBP, NCOA2, EP300"			
KAT6B	K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6B	23522	10:74842858-75031046	1		10q22.2	yes		"AML, leiomyoma"			"L, M"	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"CREBBP, KANSL1"		"Genitopatellar syndrome, Say-Barber-Biesecker/Young-Simpson syndrome"	"23522,ENSG00000156650,KAT6B,MYST4,Q8WYB5"
KAT7	lysine acetyltransferase 7	11143	17:49788835-49827502	2		17q21.33	yes		CCRCC			E		oncogene	Mis				"11143,ENSG00000136504,KAT7,MYST2,O95251"
KCNJ5	"potassium inwardly-rectifying channel; subfamily J; member 5"	3762	11:128911274-128916731	1		11q24	yes		adrenal adenoma			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	"Familial hyperaldosteronism type III, Long QT syndrome"	"3762,ENSG00000120457,KCNJ5,P48544"
KDM5A	"lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5A, JARID1A"	5927	12:285456-389091	1		12p11	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"5927,ENSG00000073614,JARID1A,KDM5A,RBBP2"
KDM5C	lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5C (JARID1C)	8242	X:53192967-53224889	1		Xp11.22-p11.21	yes		clear cell renal carcinoma			E	Rec	TSG	"N, F, S, Mis"		yes	 X-linked mental retardation syndromic Claes-Jensen-type.	"8242,ENSG00000126012,JARID1C,KDM5C,MRX13,P41229,SMCX"
KDM6A	"lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6A, UTX"	7403	X:44873552-45111411	1	Yes	Xp11.2	yes		"renal cell carcinoma, bladder carcinoma, oesophageal SCC, MM, medulloblastoma, T-ALL, other tumour types"			"E, L"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"D, N, F, S"		yes	Kabuki syndrome	"7403,ENSG00000147050,KDM6A,O15550,UTX"
KDR	vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2	3791	4:55079941-55125293	1	Yes	4q11-q12	yes	yes	"NSCLC, angiosarcoma"	melanoma		E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3791,ENSG00000128052,KDR,P35968"
KDSR	3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase	2531	18:63331782-63367118	1		18q21.3	yes		B-NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	IGK			"2531,ENSG00000119537,FVT1,KDSR,Q06136"
KEAP1	kelch like ECH associated protein 1	9817	19:10486652-10500033	1	Yes	19p13.2	yes		"NSCLC, breast carcinoma"			E		TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"9817,ENSG00000079999,KEAP1,Q14145"
KIAA1549	KIAA1549	57670	7:138837906-138919418	2		7q34	yes		pilocytic astrocytoma			O	Dom	fusion	T	BRAF			"57670,ENSG00000122778,KIAA1549"
KIAA1598	KIAA1598	57698	10:116886555-117005079	2		10q25.3	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"57698,A0MZ66,ENSG00000187164,KIAA1598"
KIF5B	kinesin family member 5B	3799	10:32009010-32055973	1		10p11.22	yes		"NSCLC, Spitzoid tumour"			E	Dom	fusion	T	"RET, ALK"			"3799,ENSG00000170759,KIF5B,KNS1,P33176"
KIT	v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog	3815	4:54658015-54738557	1	Yes	4q12	yes	yes	"GIST, AML, TGCT, mastocytosis, mucosal melanoma"	"GIST, epithelioma"	familial gastrointestinal stromal tumour	"L, M, O, E"	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, O"		yes	Piebald trait	"3815,ENSG00000157404,KIT,P10721,PBT"
KLF4	Kruppel-like factor 4	9314	9:107485751-107489172	1	Yes	9q31	yes		meningioma			O	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis				"9314,ENSG00000136826,KLF4,O43474"
KLF6	Kruppel-like factor 6	1316	10:3779539-3785014	1		10p15	yes		"prostate, glioma"			"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N"				"1316,BCD1,COPEB,ENSG00000067082,KLF6,Q99612,ST12"
KLK2	kallikrein-related peptidase 2	3817	19:50873474-50878559	1		19q13.41	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	ETV4			"3817,ENSG00000167751,KLK2,P20151"
KMT2A	lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2A	4297	11:118436513-118522172	1		11q23	yes		"AML, ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, O"	"KMT2A, MLLT1, AFF1, MLLT3, MLLT4, FOXO4, MLLT10, MLLT6, ELL, EPS15, MLLT11, CREBBP, SH3GL1, FNBP1, SEPT5, SEPT9, GPHN, GMPS, ABI1, ARHGEF12, GAS7, FOXO3, AFF3, TET1, SEPT6, LPP, RUNX1T1, ARHGAP26, EP300, PICALM, CLP1, PRRC1, DAB2IP, MAPRE1, KIAA1524, SEPT2, SARNP, ZFYVE19, TOP3A, CASC5, EEFSEC, FRYL, SORBS2, ABI2, LASP1, CASP8AP2, AFF4, NRIP3, NCKIPSD, CBL, ACTN4, PDS5A, CT45A2, MYO1F, KIAA0284, BTBD18"			"4297,ENSG00000118058,KMT2A,MLL,Q03164"
KMT2C	lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2C	58508	7:152136832-152435786	1		7q36.1	yes		medulloblastoma			O	Rec	TSG	N				"58508,ENSG00000055609,KMT2C,MLL3,Q8NEZ4"
KMT2D	lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2D	8085	12:49021780-49055324	1		12q13.12	yes		"medulloblastoma, renal"			"O, E"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"N, F, Mis"				"8085,ENSG00000167548,KMT2D,MLL2,O14686,TNRC21"
KNSTRN	kinetochore localized astrin/SPAG5 binding protein	90417	15:40382836-40393597	2		15q15.1	yes		SCC			E		oncogene	Mis				"90417,C15orf23,ENSG00000128944,KNSTRN,Q9Y448"
KRAS	v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog	3845	12:25209795-25245384	1	Yes	12p12.1	yes		"pancreatic, colorectal, lung, thyroid, AML, other tumour types"			"L, E, M, O"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"3845,ENSG00000133703,KRAS,KRAS2,P01116"
KTN1	kinectin 1 (kinesin receptor)	3895	14:55612050-55680691	1		14q22.1	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	fusion	T	RET			"3895,ENSG00000126777,KTN1,Q86UP2"
LARP4B	La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 4B	23185	10:812926-885721	2		10p15.3	yes		"CRC, glioma"			"E, O"		TSG	"F, D"				"23185,ENSG00000107929,KIAA0217,LARP4B,LARP5,Q92615"
LASP1	LIM and SH3 protein 1	3927	17:38870190-38918778	1		17q11-q21.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"3927,ENSG00000002834,LASP1,Q14847"
LATS1	large tumor suppressor kinase 1	9113	6:-	1	Yes	6q25.1	yes		skin basal cell carcinoma			E		TSG	"Mis, N"				
LATS2	large tumor suppressor kinase 2	26524	13:20974870-21046026	1	Yes	13q12.11	yes		malignant mesothelioma			E		TSG	"D, F, N"				"26524,ENSG00000150457,LATS2,Q9NRM7"
LCK	lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase	3932	1:32274330-32285716	1	Yes	1p35-p34.3	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRB			"3932,ENSG00000182866,LCK,P06239"
LCP1	lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 (L-plastin)	3936	13:46127591-46159662	2		13q14.1-q14.3	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"3936,ENSG00000136167,LCP1,P13796"
LEF1	lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1	51176	4:108063629-108167767	1	Yes	4q25	yes		"B-ALL, T-ALL, eyelid sebaceous carcinoma, AML, lymphomas"			"L, E"		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N"				"51176,ENSG00000138795,LEF1,Q9UJU2"
LEPROTL1	leptin receptor overlapping transcript like 1	23484	8:30095513-30105862	2		8p12	yes		"lung cancer, colon cancer"			E		TSG	D				"23484,ENSG00000104660,LEPROTL1,O95214"
LHFP	lipoma HMGIC fusion partner	10186	13:39343936-39601216	2		13q12	yes		lipoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	HMGA2			"10186,ENSG00000183722,LHFP,Q9Y693"
LIFR	leukemia inhibitory factor receptor	3977	5:38481595-38530647	1	Yes	5p13-p12	yes		salivary adenoma			E	Dom	fusion	T	PLAG1			"3977,ENSG00000113594,LIFR,P42702"
LMNA	lamin A/C	4000	1:156114919-156139106	1	Yes	1q22	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	NTRK1	yes	"Muscular dystrophy, dilated cardiomyopathy,  familial partial lipodystrophy, and others"	"4000,CMD1A,ENSG00000160789,LGMD1B,LMN1,LMNA,LMNL1,P02545,PRO1"
LMO1	LIM domain only 1 (rhombotin 1) (RBTN1)	4004	11:8224616-8268634	1		11p15	yes	yes	"T-ALL, neuroblastoma"	neuroblastoma		L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, A"	TRD			"4004,ENSG00000166407,LMO1,P25800,RBTN1"
LMO2	LIM domain only 2 (rhombotin-like 1) (RBTN2)	4005	11:33859356-33869386	1		11p13	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRD			"4005,ENSG00000135363,LMO2,P25791,RBTNL1"
LPP	LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma	4026	3:188406122-188874480	1		3q28	yes		"lipoma, leukaemia"			"L, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"HMGA2, KMT2A, C12orf9"			"4026,ENSG00000145012,LPP,Q93052"
LRIG3	leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 3	121227	12:58872572-58920235	1		12q14.1	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ROS1			"121227,ENSG00000139263,LRIG3,Q6UXM1"
LRP1B	LDL receptor related protein 1B	53353	2:140233186-142130729	1	Yes	2q21.2	yes		"CLL, ovarian cancer, oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma, urothelial cancer"			"E, L"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F"				"53353,ENSG00000168702,LRP1B,Q9NZR2"
LSM14A	"LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)"	26065	19:34172643-34227388	2		19q13.11	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	BRAF			"26065,C19orf13,ENSG00000257103,FAM61A,LSM14A,Q8ND56"
LYL1	lymphoblastic leukemia derived sequence 1	4066	19:13099319-13101171	1		19p13.2-p13.1	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRB			"4066,ENSG00000104903,LYL1,P12980"
LZTR1	leucine-zipper-like transcription regulator 1	8216	22:20982372-20997348	1	Yes	22q11.21	yes	yes	glioblastoma	"glioblastoma, schwannoma"	Schwannomatosis-2	E	Dom	TSG	"Mis, F, N"		yes	Noonan syndrome 10	"8216,ENSG00000099949,LZTR1,Q8N653"
MACC1	MET transcriptional regulator MACC1	346389	7:20140946-20161862	2		7p21.1	yes		"liver, CRC"			E		oncogene	Mis				"346389,ENSG00000183742,MACC1,Q6ZN28"
MAF	v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog	4094	16:79594460-79599902	1		16q22-q23	yes		MM			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"4094,ENSG00000178573,MAF,O75444"
MAFB	v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B (avian)	9935	20:40687879-40688850	1		20q11.2-q13.1	yes		MM			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"9935,ENSG00000204103,KRML,MAFB,Q9Y5Q3"
MALAT1	"metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 ( lnc-RNA; non-protein coding)"	378938	11:65502644-65502817	2		11q31.1	yes		"renal cell carcinoma (childhood epithelioid), lung"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	TFEB			"378938,MALAT1,PRO1073,Q9UHZ2"
MALT1	mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation gene 1	10892	18:58671645-58747843	1		18q21	yes		MALT			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	BIRC3			"10892,ENSG00000172175,MALT1,MLT,Q9UDY8"
MAML2	mastermind-like 2 (Drosophila)	84441	11:95978948-96341895	1		11q22-q23	yes		salivary gland mucoepidermoid			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"CRTC3, CRTC1"			"84441,ENSG00000184384,MAML2,Q8IZL2"
MAP2K1	mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1	5604	15:66387348-66490615	1		15q22.1-q22.33	yes		"NSCLC, melanoma, colorectal"			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome	"5604,ENSG00000169032,MAP2K1,PRKMK1,Q02750"
MAP2K2	mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2	5605	19:4090598-4123875	1		19p13.3	yes		"NSCLC, melanoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome	"5605,ENSG00000126934,MAP2K2,P36507,PRKMK2"
MAP2K4	mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4	6416	17:12020887-12141260	1		17p11.2	yes		"pancreatic, breast, colorectal"			E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"D, Mis, N"				"6416,ENSG00000065559,MAP2K4,P45985,SERK1"
MAP3K1	"mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase"	4214	5:56152434-56189507	1		5q11.2	yes		luminal A breast			E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"N, F, Mis, O, S"		yes	"46,XY sex reversal 6"	
MAP3K13	mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13	9175	3:185428582-185482456	1		3q27	yes		breast			E	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	F				"9175,ENSG00000073803,MAP3K13,O43283"
MAPK1	mitogen-activated protein kinase 1	5594	22:21769204-21867440	1	Yes	22q11.2	yes		"CLL, ovarian mixed germ cell tumour, cervical carcinoma"			"E, L"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"5594,ENSG00000100030,MAPK1,P28482,PRKM1,PRKM2"
MAX	Myc associated factor X	4149	14:65076476-65102339	1		14q23	yes	yes	"pheochromocytoma, endometrioid carcinoma, colon carcinoma"	pheochromocytoma		"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"10344,4149,CCL26,ENSG00000006606,ENSG00000125952,MAX,P61244,Q9Y258,SCYA26"
MB21D2	Mab-21 domain containing 2	151963	3:192798386-192917840	2		3q29	yes		lung cancer			E			Mis				"151963,C3orf59,ENSG00000180611,MB21D2,Q8IYB1"
MDM2	Mdm2 p53 binding protein homolog	4193	12:68808478-68839849	1		12q15	yes		"sarcoma, glioma, colorectal, other tumour types"			"M, O, E, L"	Dom	oncogene	A				"4193,ENSG00000135679,MDM2,Q00987"
MDM4	Mdm4 p53 binding protein homolog	4194	1:204525519-204549682	1		1q32	yes		"glioblastoma, bladder, retinoblastoma"			M	Dom	oncogene	A				"4194,ENSG00000198625,MDM4,O15151"
MDS2	myelodysplastic syndrome 2	259283	1:23629556-23640550	2		1p36	yes		MDS			L	Dom	fusion	T	ETV6			"ENSG00000197880,MDS2,Q8NDY4"
MECOM	MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus	2122	3:169084909-169131477	1		3q26.2	yes		"AML, CML, MDS"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"RUNX1, ETV6, PRDM16, RPN1"			"2122,ENSG00000085276,EVI1,MDS1,MECOM,Q03112"
MED12	mediator complex subunit 12	9968	X:71118755-71142218	1	Yes	Xq13	yes		"uterine leiomyoma, fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumour"			"M, E"	Dom	TSG	"Mis, S, O"		yes	Opitz-Kaveggia Syndrome	"9968,ENSG00000184634,FGS1,MED12,Q93074,TNRC11"
MEN1	multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 gene	4221	11:64804334-64810109	1	Yes	11q13	yes	yes	"parathyroid tumours, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour"	"parathyroid adenoma, pituitary adenoma, pancreatic islet cell, carcinoid"	multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1	E	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"4221,ENSG00000133895,MEN1,O00255"
MET	met proto-oncogene (hepatocyte growth factor receptor)	4233	7:116699085-116796124	1		7q31	yes		"papillary renal, head-neck squamous cell"	papillary renal	familial papillary renal cancer	E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"4233,ENSG00000105976,MET,P08581"
MGMT	O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase	4255	10:129536253-129766997	2		10q26.3	yes		glioma			O		TSG	D				"4255,ENSG00000170430,MGMT,P16455"
MITF	melanogenesis-associated transcription factor	4286	3:69936723-69965248	1		3p14.1	yes		melanoma			E	Dom	oncogene	A		yes	"Waardenburg syndrome type 2, Tietz syndrome"	"4286,ENSG00000187098,MITF,O75030,WS2,WS2A"
MKL1	megakaryoblastic leukemia (translocation) 1	57591	22:40411390-40463227	1		22q13	yes		acute megakaryocytic leukaemia			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	RBM15			"57591,ENSG00000196588,MKL1,Q969V6"
MLF1	myeloid leukemia factor 1	4291	3:158571302-158605203	1		3q25.1	yes		AML			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	NPM1			"4291,ENSG00000178053,MLF1,P58340"
MLH1	E.coli MutL homolog gene	4292	3:36993548-37050653	1		3p21.3	yes	yes	"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian, CNS tumours"	"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian, CNS"	"hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Turcot syndrome"	"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"4292,COCA2,ENSG00000076242,MLH1,P40692"
MLLT1	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 1 (ENL)"	4298	19:6213042-6279784	1		19p13.3	yes		AL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"4298,ENSG00000130382,MLLT1,Q03111"
MLLT10	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 10 (AF10)"	8028	10:21534646-21740235	1	Yes	10p12	yes		AL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"KMT2A, PICALM, CDK6"			"8028,ENSG00000078403,MLLT10,P55197"
MLLT11	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 11"	10962	1:151039702-151040970	1		1q21	yes		ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"10962,ENSG00000213190,MLLT11,Q13015"
MLLT3	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 3 (AF9)"	4300	9:20346443-20622256	1		9p22	yes		ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"4300,ENSG00000171843,MLLT3,P42568"
MLLT4	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 4 (AF6)"	4301	6:167827134-167952263	1		6q27	yes		AL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	KMT2A			
MLLT6	"myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 6 (AF17)"	4302	17:36861887-36881852	1		17q21	yes		AL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"4302,ENSG00000108292,MLLT6,P55198"
MN1	"MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator"	4330	22:27750915-27800543	1		22q12.1	yes		"AML, MDS"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ETV6			"4330,ENSG00000169184,MGCR,MN1,Q10571"
MNX1	motor neuron and pancreas homeobox 1	3110	7:157005520-157010350	2		7q36	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	ETV6	yes	Currarino syndrome	"3110,ENSG00000130675,HLXB9,MNX1,P50219"
MPL	"myeloproliferative leukaemia virus oncogene, thrombopoietin receptor"	4352	1:43337849-43352772	1		1p34	yes	yes	MPN	MPN	familial essential thrombocythemia	L	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia	"4352,ENSG00000117400,MPL,P40238"
MSH2	mutS homolog 2 (E. coli)	4436	2:47403192-47482949	1		2p22-p21	yes	yes	"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian"	"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian"	hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer	E	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"4436,COCA1,ENSG00000095002,MSH2,P43246"
MSH6	mutS homolog 6 (E. coli)	2956	2:47783234-47806860	1		2p16	yes	yes	colorectal	"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian"	hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"2956,ENSG00000116062,GTBP,MSH6,P52701"
MSI2	musashi homolog 2 (Drosophila)	124540	17:57257049-57631832	1		17q23.2	yes		CML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	HOXA9			"124540,ENSG00000153944,MSI2,Q96DH6"
MSN	moesin	4478	X:65667842-65739893	1		Xq11.2-q12	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"4478,ENSG00000147065,MSN,P26038"
MTCP1	mature T-cell proliferation 1	4515	X:155061843-155064023	1		Xq28	yes		T cell prolymphocytic leukaemia			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRA			"100272147,CMC4,ENSG00000182712,MTCP1,MTCP1NB,P56277"
MTOR	mechanistic target of rapamycin	2475	1:11107485-11259409	1	Yes	1p36	yes		"endometrial carcinoma, head and neck, clear cell renal cell carcinoma, anaplastic thyroid cancer, urothelial cell carcinoma, central nervous system tumours, testicular germ cell tumours and other tumour types"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"		yes	"Smith-Kingsmore syndrome, brain overgrowth phenotypes such as focal cortical dysplasia and megalencephaly,"	"2475,ENSG00000198793,FRAP,FRAP1,FRAP2,MTOR,P42345"
MUC1	"mucin 1, transmembrane"	4582	1:155186135-155192843	1		1q21	yes		B-NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	IGH			"4582,ENSG00000185499,MCKD1,MUC1,P15941,PUM"
MUC16	"mucin 16, cell surface associated"	94025	19:8949776-8981138	2		19p13.2	yes		"HNSCC, melanoma"			E		oncogene	Mis				"94025,ENSG00000181143,MUC16"
MUC4	"mucin 4, cell surface associated"	4585	3:195747176-195811817	2		3q29	yes		HNSCC			E		oncogene	"Mis, O"				"4585,ENSG00000145113,MUC4,Q99102"
MUTYH	mutY homolog (E. coli)	4595	1:45329306-45340254	1		1p34.3-1p32.1		yes		colorectal	adenomatous polyposis coli	E	Rec	TSG	Mis				"4595,ENSG00000132781,MUTYH,Q9UIF7"
MYB	v-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog	4602	6:135181514-135217980	1		6q22-23	yes		adenoid cystic carcinoma			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NFIB			"4602,ENSG00000118513,MYB,P10242"
MYC	v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)	4609	8:127738263-127740958	1	Yes	8q24.12-q24.13	yes		"Burkitt lymphoma, amplified in other cancers, B-CLL"			"L, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"A, T"	"IGK, BCL5, BCL7A , BTG1, TRA, IGH"			"4609,ENSG00000136997,MYC,P01106"
MYCL	v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene lung carcinoma derived homolog	4610	1:39900814-39901434	1		1p34.2	yes		small cell lung carcinoma			E	Dom	oncogene	A				"4610,ENSG00000116990,MYCL,MYCL1,P12524"
MYCN	"v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian)"	4613	2:15942065-15946097	1		2p24.1	yes		"neuroblastoma, Wilms tumour"			O	Dom	oncogene	"A, Mis"		yes	Feingold syndrome 1	"4613,ENSG00000134323,MYCN,NMYC,P04198"
MYD88	myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88)	4615	3:38138662-38141286	1	Yes	3p22	yes		ABC-DLBCL			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"4615,ENSG00000172936,MYD88"
MYH11	"myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle"	4629	16:15708811-15838252	1		16p13.13-p13.12	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	CBFB			"4629,ENSG00000133392,MYH11"
MYH9	"myosin, heavy polypeptide 9, non-muscle"	4627	22:36282668-36349236	1		22q13.1	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ALK	yes	"Deafness, autosomal dominant 17, Epstein syndrome, Fechtner syndrome, May-Hegglin anomaly, Sebastian syndrome"	"4627,DFNA17,ENSG00000100345,MYH9,P35579"
MYO5A	"myosin VA (heavy chain 12, myoxin)"	4644	15:52313696-52528806	1		15q21	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1	yes	Griscelli syndrome	"4644,ENSG00000197535,MYH12,MYO5A,Q9Y4I1"
MYOD1	myogenic differentiation 1	4654	11:17719783-17721508	1		11p15.4	yes		embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"4654,ENSG00000129152,MYF3,MYOD1,P15172"
N4BP2	NEDD4 binding protein 2	55728	4:40097341-40154237	2		4p14	yes		lung cancer			E		TSG	D				"55728,ENSG00000078177,N4BP2,Q86UW6"
NAB2	NGFI-A binding protein 2	4665	12:57089272-57094721	1	Yes	12q13.3	yes		"solitary fibrous tumour, meningeal haemangiopericytoma"			"M, O"	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	STAT6			"4665,ENSG00000166886,NAB2,Q15742"
NACA	nascent-polypeptide-associated complex alpha polypeptide	4666	12:56712538-56724521	2		12q23-q24.1	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"4666,ENSG00000196531,NACA,Q13765"
NBEA	neurobeachin	26960	13:34942821-35670991	2		13q13.3	yes		"large intestine carcinoma, multiple myeloma"			"E, L"			"F, T"	PVT1			"26960,ENSG00000172915,NBEA"
NBN	nibrin	4683	8:89935582-89984561	1		8q21		yes		"NHL, glioma, medulloblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma"	Nijmegen breakage syndrome	"L, E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"4683,ENSG00000104320,NBN,NBS,NBS1,O60934"
NCKIPSD	NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain	51517	3:48674544-48685807	2		3p21	yes		ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"51517,ENSG00000213672,NCKIPSD,Q9NZQ3"
NCOA1	nuclear receptor coactivator 1	8648	2:24658678-24768391	1		2p23	yes		alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	PAX3			"8648,ENSG00000084676,NCOA1,Q15788"
NCOA2	nuclear receptor coactivator 2 (TIF2)	10499	8:70113632-70216745	1		8q13.1	yes		"AML, chondrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma"			"L, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"KAT6A, HEY1, NCOA2"			"10499,ENSG00000140396,NCOA2,Q15596"
NCOA4	nuclear receptor coactivator 4 - PTC3 (ELE1)	8031	10:51579142-51586417	1		10q11.2	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RET			
NCOR1	nuclear receptor corepressor 1	9611	17:16032296-16194569	1		17p11.2	yes		breast			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N, O"		yes	Ulnar-mammary syndrome	"9611,ENSG00000141027,NCOR1,O75376"
NCOR2	nuclear receptor corepressor 2	9612	12:124325402-124495251	1	Yes	12q24	yes		prostate			E	Dom	TSG	"Mis, F, N, O"				"9612,ENSG00000196498,NCOR2,Q9Y618"
NDRG1	N-myc downstream regulated 1	10397	8:133238878-133284311	1	Yes	8q24.3	yes		prostate			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ERG			"10397,CAP43,ENSG00000104419,NDRG1,Q92597"
NF1	neurofibromatosis type 1 gene	4763	17:31095310-31374155	1	Yes	17q12	yes	yes	"neurofibroma, glioma"	"neurofibroma, glioma"	neurofibromatosis type 1	O	Rec	"TSG, fusion"	"D, Mis, N, F, S, O"				"4763,ENSG00000196712,NF1,P21359"
NF2	neurofibromatosis type 2 gene	4771	22:29603999-29694802	1	Yes	22q12.2	yes	yes	"meningioma, acoustic neuroma, renal"	"meningioma, acoustic neuroma"	neurofibromatosis type 2	O	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S, O"				"4771,ENSG00000186575,NF2,P35240"
NFATC2	"nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2"	4773	20:51391396-51542499	1		20q13.2	yes		Ewing sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	EWSR1			"4773,ENSG00000101096,NFATC2,Q13469"
NFE2L2	nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NRF2)	4780	2:177230785-177264576	1	Yes	2q31	yes		"NSCLC, HNSCC"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Mis				"4780,ENSG00000116044,NFE2L2,Q16236"
NFIB	nuclear factor I/B	4781	9:14088309-14313511	1		9p24.1	yes		"adenoid cystic carcinoma, lipoma"			E	Dom	fusion	T	"MYB, HGMA2"			"4781,ENSG00000147862,NFIB,O00712"
NFKB2	nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2 (p49/p100)	4791	10:102395960-102402376	1		10q24	yes		B-NHL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	IGH			
NFKBIE	"nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, epsilon"	4794	6:44259219-44265763	1		6p21.1	yes		"CLL, desmoplastic melanoma"			"L, E"	Dom/Rec	TSG	"F, Mis"				"4794,ENSG00000146232,NFKBIE,O00221"
NIN	ninein (GSK3B interacting protein)	51199	14:50725872-50822056	1		14q24	yes		MPN			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRB			"51199,ENSG00000100503,NIN,Q8N4C6"
NKX2-1	NK2 homeobox 1	7080	14:36517278-36519357	1		14q13	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	A				"7080,BCH,ENSG00000136352,NKX2-1,NKX2A,P43699,TITF1"
NONO	"non-POU domain containing, octamer-binding"	4841	X:71290638-71300076	1	Yes	Xq13.1	yes		papillary renal			E	Dom	fusion	T	TFE3			"4841,ENSG00000147140,NONO,Q15233"
NOTCH1	"Notch homolog 1, translocation-associated (Drosophila) (TAN1)"	4851	9:136496071-136545786	1	Yes	9q34.3	yes		"T-ALL, breast, bladder, skin SCC, lung SCC, head and neck SCC"			"L, E"	Dom/Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, Mis, O"	"TRB, SEC16A, GABBR2"			"4851,ENSG00000148400,NOTCH1,P46531,TAN1"
NOTCH2	Notch homolog 2	4853	1:119915306-120069406	1	Yes	1p13-p11	yes		"marginal zone lymphoma, DLBCL, bladder"			"L, E"	Dom/Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"N, F, Mis"		yes	"Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome"	"4853,ENSG00000134250,NOTCH2,Q04721"
NPM1	"nucleophosmin (nucleolar phosphoprotein B23, numatrin)"	4869	5:171387949-171410565	1		5q35	yes		"NHL, APL, AML"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, F"	"ALK, RARA, MLF1"			"4869,ENSG00000181163,NPM1,P06748"
NR4A3	"nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3 (NOR1)"	8013	9:99828041-99863867	1		9q22	yes		extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"EWSR1, TAF15, TCF12, TFG"			"8013,ENSG00000119508,NR4A3,Q92570"
NRAS	neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog	4893	1:114708535-114716160	1	Yes	1p13.2	yes		"melanoma, MM, AML, thyroid"			"L, E"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"4893,ENSG00000213281,NRAS,P01111"
NRG1	neuregulin 1	3084	8:32548727-32764402	1		8p12	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	CD74			"3084,ENSG00000157168,HGL,NRG1,NRG1-IT2,Q02297"
NSD1	nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1	64324	5:177135104-177295459	1		5q35	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	NUP98	yes	Sotos Syndrome	"64324,ENSG00000165671,NSD1,Q96L73,STO"
NT5C2	"5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic II"	22978	10:103089672-103174958	1		10q24.32	yes		relapse ALL			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Spastic paraplegia-45	"22978,ENSG00000076685,NT5B,NT5C2,P49902"
NTHL1	nth like DNA glycosylase 1	4913	16:2093568-2097848	2		16p13.3		yes	CRC		Familial adenomatous polyposis	E		TSG	"N, S"				
NTRK1	"neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 1"	4914	1:156860935-156881642	1		1q21-q22	yes		"papillary thyroid, Spitzoid tumour"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, A"	"TPM3, TPR, TFG, TP53, LMNA"			"4914,ENSG00000198400,NTRK1,P04629"
NTRK3	"neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3"	4916	15:87876935-88256153	1		15q25	yes		"congenital fibrosarcoma, secretory breast"			"E, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ETV6			"4916,ENSG00000140538,NTRK3,Q16288"
NUMA1	nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1	4926	11:72003527-72035943	1		11q13	yes		APL			L	Dom	fusion	T	RARA			"4926,ENSG00000137497,NUMA1,Q14980"
NUP214	nucleoporin 214kDa (CAN)	8021	9:131125705-131233487	1		9q34.1	yes		"AML, T-ALL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	"DEK, SET, ABL1"			"8021,ENSG00000126883,NUP214,P35658"
NUP98	nucleoporin 98kDa	4928	11:3676159-3782117	1		11p15	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"HOXA9, NSD1, WHSC1L1, DDX10, TOP1, HOXD13, PRRX1, HOXA13, HOXD11, HOXA11, RAP1GDS1, HOXC11"			"4928,ENSG00000110713,NUP98,P52948"
NUTM1	"NUT midline carcinoma, family member 1"	256646	15:34346021-34357492	1		15q14	yes		lethal midline carcinoma			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"BRD3, BRD4"			"256646,C15orf55,ENSG00000184507,NUTM1,Q86Y26"
NUTM2A	NUT family member 2A	728118	10:87358266-87367372	1		10q23.2	yes		endometrial stromal sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	YWHAE			"ENSG00000214562,FAM22D,NUTM2D,Q5VT03"
NUTM2B	NUT family member 2B	729262	10:79703610-79712485	1		10q22.3	yes		endometrial stromal sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	YWHAE			"729262,A6NNL0,ENSG00000188199,FAM22B,NUTM2B"
OLIG2	oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (BHLHB1)	10215	21:33026863-33027834	1		21q22.11	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRA			"10215,BHLHB1,ENSG00000205927,OLIG2,PRKCBP2,Q13516"
OMD	osteomodulin	4958	9:92415152-92417558	2		9q22.31	yes		aneurysmal bone cyst			M	Dom	fusion	T	USP6			"4958,ENSG00000127083,OMD,Q99983"
P2RY8	"purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 8"	286530	"X,Y:1465479-1466558"	1		"Xp22.3; Yp11.3"	yes		"B-ALL, Down syndrome associated ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	CRLF2			"286530,ENSG00000182162,P2RY8,Q86VZ1"
PABPC1	poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1	26986	8:100704298-100721583	2		8q22.3	yes		"HNSCC, biliary tract carcinoma"			E		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F"				"26986,ENSG00000070756,P11940,PAB1,PABPC1,PABPC2"
PAFAH1B2	"platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform Ib, beta subunit 30kDa"	5049	11:117152449-117167700	1	Yes	11q23	yes		MLCLS			L	Dom	fusion	T	IGH			"5049,ENSG00000168092,P68402,PAFAH1B2"
PALB2	partner and localizer of BRCA2	79728	16:23603459-23641157	1		16p12.1		yes		"Wilms tumour, medulloblastoma, AML ,breast"	"Fanconi anaemia N, breast cancer susceptibility"	"L, O, E"	Rec	TSG	"F, N, Mis"				"79728,ENSG00000083093,PALB2,Q86YC2"
PAX3	paired box gene 3	5077	2:222201174-222298615	1	Yes	2q35	yes		alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"FOXO1, NCOA1, NCOA2"	yes	"Waardenburg syndrome; craniofacial-deafness-hand syndrome"	"5077,ENSG00000135903,P23760,PAX3,WS1"
PAX5	paired box gene 5 (B-cell lineage specific activator protein)	5079	9:36840560-37034031	1	Yes	9p13	yes		"NHL, ALL, B-ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, Mis, D, F, S"	"IGH, ETV6, PML, FOXP1, ZNF521, ELN"			"5079,ENSG00000196092,PAX5,Q02548"
PAX7	paired box gene 7	5081	1:18631604-18736039	1	Yes	1p36.2-p36.12	yes		alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	FOXO1			"5081,ENSG00000009709,P23759,PAX7"
PAX8	paired box gene 8	7849	2:113218533-113278394	1	Yes	2q12-q14	yes		follicular thyroid			E	Dom	fusion	T	PPARG	yes	Thyroid dysgenesis	"7849,ENSG00000125618,PAX8,Q06710"
PBRM1	polybromo 1	55193	3:52548063-52679711	1		3p21	yes		"clear cell renal carcinoma, breast"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S, D, O"				"55193,ENSG00000163939,PBRM1,Q86U86"
PBX1	pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1	5087	1:164559824-164846677	1	Yes	1q23	yes		"pre B-ALL, myoepithelioma"			"L, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"TCF3, EWSR1"			"5087,ENSG00000185630,P40424,PBX1"
PCBP1	poly(rC) binding protein 1	5093	2:70087744-70088814	2		2p13.3	yes		CRC			E			Mis				"5093,ENSG00000169564,PCBP1,Q15365"
PCM1	pericentriolar material 1  (PTC4)	5108	8:17935611-18027662	1		8p22-p21.3	yes		"papillary thyroid, CML, MPN"			"E, L"	Dom	fusion	T	"RET, JAK2"			"5108,ENSG00000078674,PCM1,Q15154"
PDCD1LG2	programmed cell death 1 ligand 2	80380	9:5522547-5569959	1	Yes	9p24.2	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	CIITA			"80380,ENSG00000197646,PDCD1LG2,Q9BQ51"
PDE4DIP	phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein (myomegalin)	9659	1:148889754-149031985	1		1q12	yes		MPN			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRB			"9659,CMYA2,ENSG00000178104,PDE4DIP,Q5VU43"
PDGFB	platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide (simian sarcoma viral (v-sis) oncogene homolog)	5155	22:39225723-39243963	1		22q12.3-q13.1	yes		DFSP			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	COL1A1			"5155,ENSG00000100311,P01127,PDGFB,SIS"
PDGFRA	"platelet-derived growth factor, alpha-receptor"	5156	4:54258769-54295272	1		4q11-q13	yes	yes	"GIST, idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome, paediatric glioblastoma"	GIST	familial gastrointestinal stromal tumour	"L, M, O"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, O, T"	FIP1L1			"5156,ENSG00000134853,P16234,PDGFRA"
PDGFRB	"platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide"	5159	5:150115763-150137047	1		5q31-q32	yes		"MPN, AML, CMML, CML"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"ETV6, TRIP11, HIP1, RABEP1, H4, NIN, SPECC1, PDE4DIP"			"5159,ENSG00000113721,P09619,PDGFR,PDGFRB"
PER1	period homolog 1 (Drosophila)	5187	17:8141068-8150706	1	Yes	17p13.1-17p12	yes		"AML, CMML"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ETV6			"5187,ENSG00000179094,O15534,PER,PER1"
PHF6	PHD finger protein 6	84295	X:134377618-134425330	1		Xq26.3	yes		ETP ALL			L	Rec	TSG	"F, N, S, Mis"		yes	Boerjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome	"84295,BFLS,BORJ,ENSG00000156531,PHF6,Q8IWS0"
PHOX2B	paired-like homeobox 2b	8929	4:41745807-41748610	1	Yes	4p12	yes	yes	neuroblastoma	neuroblastoma	familial neuroblastoma	O	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F"		yes	Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome	"8929,ENSG00000109132,PHOX2B,PMX2B,Q99453"
PICALM	phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein (CALM)	8301	11:85959046-86068780	1	Yes	11q14	yes		"T-ALL, AML"			L	Dom	fusion	T	"MLLT10, KMT2A"			"8301,ENSG00000073921,PICALM,Q13492"
PIK3CA	"phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide"	5290	3:179198826-179234364	1	Yes	3q26.3	yes		"colorectal, gastric, glioblastoma, breast"			"E, O"	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"5290,ENSG00000121879,P42336,PIK3CA"
PIK3CB	"phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta"	5291	3:138655389-138759343	1	Yes	3q22.3	yes		"SCC, NSCLC"			E		oncogene	Mis				"5291,ENSG00000051382,P42338,PIK3C1,PIK3CB"
PIK3R1	"phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha)"	5295	5:68226676-68297601	1	Yes	5q13.1	yes		"glioblastoma, ovarian, colorectal"			"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, O"				"5295,ENSG00000145675,P27986,PIK3R1"
PIM1	pim-1 oncogene	5292	6:37170576-37174091	1	Yes	6p21.2	yes		NHL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis"	BCL6			"5292,ENSG00000137193,P11309,PIM,PIM1"
PLAG1	pleiomorphic adenoma gene 1	5324	8:56166243-56168269	1		8q12	yes		"salivary adenoma, lipoblastoma"			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"TCEA1, LIFR, CTNNB1, CHCHD7, COL1A2, HAS2"			"5324,ENSG00000181690,PLAG1,Q6DJT9"
PLCG1	"phospholipase C, gamma 1"	5335	20:41137642-41174509	1		20q12-q13.1	yes		angiosarcoma			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	Mis				"5335,ENSG00000124181,P19174,PLC1,PLCG1"
PML	promyelocytic leukemia	5371	15:73994813-74045008	1		15q22	yes		"APL, ALL"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"RARA, PAX5"			"5371,ENSG00000140464,P29590,PML"
PMS1	PMS1 postmeiotic segregation increased 1 (S. cerevisiae)	5378	2:189791810-189877436	2		2q31-q33		yes		"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian"	hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer	E	Rec		"Mis, N"				"5378,ENSG00000064933,P54277,PMS1,PMSL1"
PMS2	PMS2 postmeiotic segregation increased 2 (S. cerevisiae)	5395	7:5973399-6009019	1	Yes	7p22		yes		"colorectal, endometrial, ovarian, medulloblastoma, glioma"	"hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Turcot syndrome"	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"5395,ENSG00000122512,P54278,PMS2,PMSL2"
POLD1	"DNA polymerase delta 1, catalytic subunit"	5424	19:50398852-50417947	1		19q13.3	yes	yes	CRC	CRC	Lynch syndrome	E		TSG	Mis				"5424,ENSG00000062822,P28340,POLD,POLD1"
POLE	"polymerase (DNA directed), epsilon, catalytic subunit"	5426	12:132624697-132687315	1		12q24.3	yes	yes	"colorectal carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, stomach carcinoma, skin cancer"	colorectal cancer susceptibility		E	Rec	TSG	Mis		yes	FILS syndrome	"5426,ENSG00000177084,POLE,Q07864"
POLG	"DNA polymerase gamma, catalytic subunit"	5428	15:89316751-89333754	2		15q26.1	yes		CRC			E		TSG	"N, O"		yes	mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome	"5428,ENSG00000140521,P54098,POLG"
POLQ	DNA polymerase theta	10721	3:121432304-121546641	1		3q13.33	yes	yes	oral SCC	breast cancer		E		"oncogene, TSG"	Mis				"10721,ENSG00000051341,POLQ"
POT1	protection of telomeres 1	25913	7:124823962-124897173	1		7q31.33	yes		CLL			L	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N"				"25913,ENSG00000128513,POT1,Q9NUX5"
POU2AF1	"POU domain, class 2, associating factor 1 (OBF1)"	5450	11:111354261-111379177	1	Yes	11q23.1	yes		NHL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	BCL6			"5450,ENSG00000110777,POU2AF1,Q16633"
POU5F1	"POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1"	5460	6:31164601-31170620	1	Yes	6p21.31	yes		sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	EWSR1			"5460,ENSG00000204531,OTF3,POU5F1,Q01860"
PPARG	"peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma"	5468	3:12351593-12434145	1	Yes	3p25	yes		follicular thyroid			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	PAX8	yes	"Insulin resistance ; lipodystrophy, familial partial L;diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistantI, with acanthosis nigricans and hypertension"	"5468,ENSG00000132170,P37231,PPARG"
PPFIBP1	"PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 1 (liprin beta 1)"	8496	12:27633397-27692882	1		12p12.1	yes		"Spitzoid tumour, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour"			"E, M"	Dom	fusion	T	"ROS1, ALK"			"8496,ENSG00000110841,PPFIBP1,Q86W92"
PPM1D	"protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1D"	8493	17:60600415-60663552	1	Yes	17q23.3	yes		"glioma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer"			E	Dom	oncogene	"A, Mis, N, F"				"8493,ENSG00000170836,O15297,PPM1D"
PPP2R1A	"protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit A, alpha"	5518	19:52190097-52225981	1		19q13.41	yes		clear cell ovarian carcinoma			E	Dom	TSG	Mis				"5518,ENSG00000105568,P30153,PPP2R1A"
PPP6C	"protein phosphatase 6, catalytic subunit"	5537	9:125149673-125189718	1	Yes	9q33.3	yes		melanoma			E	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N"				"5537,ENSG00000119414,O00743,PPP6C"
PRCC	papillary renal cell carcinoma (translocation-associated)	5546	1:156767772-156800460	1		1q21.1	yes		papillary renal			E	Dom	fusion	T	TFE3			"5546,ENSG00000143294,PRCC,Q92733"
PRDM1	"PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain"	639	6:106088267-106107486	1		6q21	yes		DLBCL			L	Rec	TSG	"D, N, Mis, F, S"				"639,BLIMP1,ENSG00000057657,O75626,PRDM1"
PRDM16	PR domain containing 16	63976	1:3069260-3433811	1	Yes	1p36.23-p33	yes		"MDS, AML"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	MECOM			"63976,ENSG00000142611,PRDM16,Q9HAZ2"
PRDM2	PR/SET domain 2	7799	1:13715606-13816547	2		1p36.21	yes		"glioma, colon adenocarcinoma, gastric carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, HNSCC"			"E, O"		TSG	"O, F"				"7799,ENSG00000116731,PRDM2,Q13029"
PREX2	"phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate dependent Rac exchange factor 2"	80243	8:67952395-68231378	1	Yes	8q13.2	yes		"melanoma, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"				"80243,DEPDC2,ENSG00000046889,PREX2,Q70Z35"
PRF1	perforin 1 (pore forming protein)	5551	10:70598053-70600902	1		10q22		yes		"various leukaemia, lymphoma"		L	Rec	TSG	M		yes	Type 2 familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis	"5551,ENSG00000180644,P14222,PRF1"
PRKACA	protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha	5566	19:14093112-14117547	1	Yes	19p13.1	yes		"fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, cortisol secreting adrenal adenoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	"T, Mis, N"	DNAJB1			"5566,ENSG00000072062,P17612,PRKACA"
PRKAR1A	"protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type I, alpha (tissue specific extinguisher 1)"	5573	17:68515400-68530449	1	Yes	17q23-q24	yes	yes	papillary thyroid	"myxoma, endocrine, papillary thyroid"	Carney complex	"E, M"	Dom/Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"T, Mis, N, F, S"	RET			"5573,ENSG00000108946,P10644,PRKAR1,PRKAR1A,TSE1"
PRKCB	protein kinase C beta	5579	16:23836176-24214816	2		16p12.2-p12.1	yes		adult T-cell lymphoma-leukaemia			L			Mis				"5579,ENSG00000166501,P05771,PKCB,PRKCB,PRKCB1,PRKCB2"
PRPF40B	pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B	25766	12:49630608-49644192	2		12q13.12	yes		"melanoma, colon carcinoma, MDS"			"E, L"			"F, N"				"25766,ENSG00000110844,PRPF40B,Q6NWY9"
PRRX1	paired related homeobox 1	5396	1:170664220-170730332	1		1q24	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	NUP98			"5396,ENSG00000116132,P54821,PMX1,PRRX1"
PSIP1	PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1 (LEDGF)	11168	9:15471207-15510188	1	Yes	9p22.3	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"11168,ENSG00000164985,O75475,PSIP1,PSIP2"
PTCH1	Homolog of Drosophila Patched gene	5727	9:95446912-95508361	1		9q22.3	yes	yes	"skin basal cell, medulloblastoma"	"skin basal cell, medulloblastoma"	nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome	"E, M"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"5727,ENSG00000185920,NBCCS,PTCH,PTCH1,Q13635"
PTEN	phosphatase and tensin homolog gene	5728	10:87864470-87965472	1	Yes	10q23.3	yes	yes	"glioma, prostate, endometrial"	"harmartoma, glioma, prostate, endometrial"	"Cowden syndrome, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome"	"L, E, M, O"	Dom	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"5728,BZS,ENSG00000171862,MHAM,P60484,PTEN"
PTK6	protein tyrosine kinase 6	5753	20:63529536-63537314	1	Yes	20q13.3	yes		"renal, gastric, head and neck, ovarian, others"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N"				"5753,ENSG00000101213,PTK6,Q13882"
PTPN11	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 11"	5781	12:112419112-112504764	1		12q24.1	yes		"JMML, AML, MDS"			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	Noonan Syndrome	"5781,ENSG00000179295,NS1,PTPN11,Q06124"
PTPN13	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 13"	5783	4:86635257-86814551	1	Yes	4q21.3	yes	yes	"lung, NSCLC, gastric, peritoneal carcinomatosis"	hepatocellular	Familial Hepatocellular Carcinoma	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N"				"5783,ENSG00000163629,PTPN13,Q12923"
PTPN6	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6"	5777	12:6951513-6960864	2		12p13.31	yes		DLBCL			L		TSG	Mis				"5777,ENSG00000111679,P29350,PTPN6"
PTPRB	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, B"	5787	12:70521489-70609814	1		12q15-q21	yes		angiosarcoma			E	Rec	TSG	"N, Mis, S, F"				"5787,ENSG00000127329,P23467,PTPB,PTPRB"
PTPRC	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C"	5788	1:198639275-198756181	1		1q31-q32	yes		T-ALL			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, S"				"5788,CD45,ENSG00000081237,PTPRC"
PTPRD	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type D"	5789	9:8317874-8733843	2		9p24.1-p23	yes		"lung cancer, kidney cancer, HNSCC, glioblastoma"			"E, O"		TSG	"D, N, Mis"				"5789,ENSG00000153707,P23468,PTPRD"
PTPRK	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K"	5796	6:127970227-128520358	1		6q22.2-q22.3	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RSPO3			"5796,ENSG00000152894,PTPRK,Q15262"
PTPRT	"protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type T"	11122	20:42080879-43189733	1	Yes	20q12-q13	yes		"HNSCC, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, melanoma"			E		TSG	"Mis, N"				"11122,ENSG00000196090,O14522,PTPRT"
PWWP2A	PWWP domain containing 2A	114825	5:160078155-160119388	2		5q33.3	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"114825,ENSG00000170234,PWWP2A,Q96N64"
QKI	"QKI, KH domain containing, RNA binding"	9444	6:163415194-163570710	1	Yes	6q26	yes		"angiocentric glioma, colorectal cancer"			"E, O"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F, T"	MYB			"9444,ENSG00000112531,Q96PU8,QKI"
RABEP1	"rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1"	9135	17:5282488-5383224	1	Yes	17p13.2	yes		CMML			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRB			"9135,ENSG00000029725,Q15276,RABEP1"
RAC1	"ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac1)"	5879	7:6374736-6402446	1	Yes	7p22	yes		"melanoma, carcinoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, F"				"5879,ENSG00000136238,P63000,RAC1"
RAD17	RAD17 checkpoint clamp loader component	5884	5:68677728-68677884	2		5q13.2	yes		"lymphoma, colon cancer"			"E, L"		TSG	D				
RAD21	RAD21 homolog (S. pombe)	5885	8:116847500-116866729	1	Yes	8q24.11	yes		"AML, endometrium, colorectal, lung"			"L, E"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N, F"		yes	Cornelia de Lange syndrome-4	"5885,ENSG00000164754,O60216,RAD21"
RAD51B	RAD51 paralog B	5890	14:67823544-68594603	1		14q23-q24.2	yes		"lipoma, uterine leiomyoma"			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"5890,ENSG00000182185,O15315,RAD51B,RAD51L1"
RAF1	v-raf-1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1	5894	3:12584514-12618721	1	Yes	3p25	yes		"pilocytic astrocytoma, prostate"			"O, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, A"	"SRGAP3, ESRP1"			"5894,ENSG00000132155,P04049,RAF1"
RALGDS	ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator	5900	9:133098587-133121154	2		9q34.3	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma,"			L	Dom	fusion	T	CIITA			"5900,ENSG00000160271,Q12967,RALGDS"
RANBP2	RAN binding protein 2	5903	2:108719607-108783901	1	Yes	2q12.3	yes		inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ALK			"5903,ANE1,ENSG00000153201,P49792,RANBP2"
RAP1GDS1	"RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1"	5910	4:98261566-98442117	1	Yes	4q21-q25	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP98			"5910,ENSG00000138698,P52306,RAP1GDS1"
RARA	"retinoic acid receptor, alpha"	5914	17:40331219-40356226	1		17q12	yes		APL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"PML, ZBTB16, TRIM24, NUMA1, NPM1"			"5914,ENSG00000131759,P10276,RARA"
RB1	retinoblastoma gene	5925	13:48303913-48480071	1	Yes	13q14	yes	yes	"retinoblastoma, sarcoma, breast, small cell lung carcinoma"	"retinoblastoma, sarcoma, breast, small cell lung carcinoma"	familial retinoblastoma	"L, E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"5925,ENSG00000139687,OSRC,P06400,RB1"
RBM10	RNA binding motif protein 10	8241	X:47147482-47186599	1	Yes	Xp11.3	yes		lung adenocarcinoma			E	Rec/X	TSG	"Mis, F, N"		yes	TARP syndrome	"8241,ENSG00000182872,P98175,RBM10"
RBM15	RNA binding motif protein 15	64783	1:110339407-110345610	1	Yes	1p13	yes		acute megakaryocytic leukaemia			L	Dom	fusion	T	MKL1			"64783,ENSG00000162775,Q96T37,RBM15"
RECQL4	RecQ protein-like 4	9401	8:144511431-144517784	1	Yes	8q24.3		yes		"osteosarcoma, skin basal cell, skin sqamous cell"	Rothmund-Thompson syndrome	M	Rec	"oncogene, TSG"	"N, F, S"				"9401,ENSG00000160957,RECQ4,RECQL4,RTS,RecQ4"
REL	v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)	5966	2:60881841-60922535	1		2p13-p12	yes		Hodgkin lymphoma			L	Dom	oncogene	A				"5966,ENSG00000162924,Q04864,REL"
RET	ret proto-oncogene	5979	10:43077259-43128269	1		10q11.2	yes	yes	"medullary thyroid, papillary thyroid, pheochromocytoma, NSCLC, Spitzoid tumour"	"medullary thyroid,  papillary thyroid, pheochromocytoma"	multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A/2B	"E, O"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, Mis, N, F"	"H4, PRKAR1A, NCOA4, PCM1, GOLGA5, TRIM33, KTN1, TRIM27, HOOK3, KIF5B, CCDC6"	yes	Hirschsprung disease	"5979,ENSG00000165731,HSCR1,MEN2A,MEN2B,MTC1,P07949,RET"
RFWD3	ring finger and WD repeat domain 3	55159	16:74623928-74661449	2		16q23.1	yes	yes	lung cancer		Fanconi anemia W	E		TSG	D				"55159,ENSG00000168411,Q6PCD5,RFWD3"
RGPD3	RANBP2-like and GRIP domain containing 3	653489	2:106405219-106468288	2		2q12.2	yes		endometrioid adenocarcinoma			E			Mis				"653489,A6NKT7,ENSG00000153165,RGPD3"
RGS7	regulator of G protein signaling 7	6000	1:240776163-241355776	2		1q43	yes		melanoma			E			Mis				"6000,ENSG00000182901,P49802,RGS7"
RHOA	ras homolog family member A	387	3:49360209-49375589	1	Yes	3p21.3	yes		"diffuse gastric, T cell lymphomas, paediatric Burkitt lymphoma"			"E, L"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, F, O"				"387,ARH12,ARHA,ENSG00000067560,P61586,RHOA"
RHOH	ras homolog family member H	399	4:40243387-40243962	1	Yes	4p13	yes		NHL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	BCL6			"399,ARHH,ENSG00000168421,Q15669,RHOH"
RMI2	RecQ mediated genome instability 2	116028	16:11345472-11350790	1		16p13.13	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	CIITA			"116028,C16orf75,ENSG00000175643,Q96E14,RMI2"
RNF213	ring finger protein 213	57674	17:80340149-80393498	1	Yes	17q25.3	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"57674,C17orf27,ENSG00000173821,KIAA1618,MYMY2,RNF213"
RNF43	ring finger protein 43	54894	17:58354943-58415577	1	Yes	17q23.2	yes		"cholangiocarcinoma, ovary, pancreas"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"54894,ENSG00000108375,Q68DV7,RNF43"
ROBO2	roundabout guidance receptor 2	6092	3:77040786-77646055	2		3p12.3	yes		"colorectal adenocarcinoma, melanoma"			E		TSG	F				"6092,ENSG00000185008,Q9HCK4,ROBO2"
ROS1	v-ros UR2 sarcoma virus oncogene homolog 1 (avian)	6098	6:117288492-117425656	1	Yes	6q22	yes		"glioblastoma, NSCLC, Spitzoid tumour, cholangiocarcinoma, borderline ovarian"			"O, E"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"GOPC, SDC4, SLC34A2, EZR, LRIG3, HLA-A, MYO5A, PPFIBP1, ERC1, CLIP1, TPM3, ZCCHHC8, KIAA1598, PWWP2A"			"6098,ENSG00000047936,P08922,ROS1"
RPL10	ribosomal protein L10	6134	X:154398520-154400854	1		Xq28	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	TSG	Mis				"6134,ENSG00000147403,P27635,RPL10"
RPL22	ribosomal protein L22 (EAP)	6146	1:6186672-6199573	1		1p36.31	yes		"AML, CML"			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RUNX1			"6146,ENSG00000116251,P35268,RPL22"
RPL5	ribososomal protein L5	6125	1:92832115-92841865	1		1p22.1	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N, F"		yes	Diamond-Blackfan anaemia	"6083,ENSG00000122406,P46777,RPL5"
RPN1	ribophorin I	6184	3:128620411-128650800	1		3q21.3-q25.2	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	MECOM			"6184,ENSG00000163902,P04843,RPN1"
RSPO2	R-spondin 2	340419	8:107901075-108082638	1		8q23.1	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	EIF3E			"340419,ENSG00000147655,Q6UXX9,RSPO2"
RSPO3	R-spondin 3	84870	6:127119193-127196007	1		6q22.33	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	PTPRK			"84870,ENSG00000146374,Q9BXY4,RSPO3,THSD2"
RUNDC2A	RUN domain containing 2A	92017	16:11976807-12052226	2		16p13.13	yes		"PMBL, Hodgkin lymphoma"			L	Dom	fusion	T	CIITA			"84127,ENSG00000140660,FLJ12363,Q9HA26,RUNDC2A"
RUNX1	runt-related transcription factor 1  (AML1)	861	21:34792135-35048899	1		21q22.3	yes		"AML, pre B-ALL, T-ALL"			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"RPL22, MECOM, CBFA2T3, RUNX1T1, ETV6, AFF3"			"861,AML1,CBFA2,ENSG00000159216,Q01196,RUNX1"
RUNX1T1	"runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D-related)"	862	8:91960242-92017340	1	Yes	8q22	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"KMT2A, RUNX1"			"862,AML1T1,CBFA2T1,ENSG00000079102,Q06455,RUNX1T1"
S100A7	S100 calcium binding protein A7	6278	1:153457806-153459013	2		1q21.3	yes		"melanoma, T-cell lymphoma"			"E, L"		fusion	"Mis, T"	VAV1			"6278,ENSG00000143556,P31151,PSOR1,S100A7"
SALL4	spalt like transcription factor 4	57167	20:51784265-51802408	1		20q13.2	yes		"colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, glioblastoma, melanoma"			E		oncogene	"Mis, F"			Duane-radial ray syndrome	"57167,ENSG00000101115,Q9UJQ4,SALL4"
SBDS	Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome protein	51119	7:66988371-66995417	1		7q11		yes		"AML, MDS"	Schwachman-Diamond syndrome	L	Rec	TSG	"F, N, O"				"51119,ENSG00000126524,Q9Y3A5,SBDS"
SDC4	syndecan 4	6385	20:45327264-45348384	1		20q12	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"6385,ENSG00000124145,P31431,SDC4"
SDHA	"succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A, flavoprotein (Fp)"	6389	5:218356-256420	1	Yes	5p15	yes	yes	"GIST, paraganglioma"	paraganglioma	paragangliomas-5 (PGL5)	"M, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N"				"6389,ENSG00000073578,P31040,SDH2,SDHA"
SDHAF2	succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2	54949	11:61430147-61446071	1		11q12.2		yes		paraganglioma	familial paraganglioma	M	Rec	TSG	M				"54949,C11orf79,ENSG00000167985,PGL2,Q9NX18,SDHAF2"
SDHB	"succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit B, iron sulfur (Ip)"	6390	1:17018881-17054019	1		1p36.1-p35		yes		"paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma"	familial paraganglioma	O	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"6390,ENSG00000117118,P21912,SDH,SDH1,SDHB"
SDHC	"succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit C, integral membrane protein, 15kDa"	6391	1:161314406-161362433	1		1q21		yes		"paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma"	familial paraganglioma	O	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"55973,6391,BCAP29,ENSG00000075790,ENSG00000143252,PGL3,Q99643,Q9UHQ4,SDHC"
SDHD	"succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D, integral membrane protein"	6392	11:112086908-112094970	1		11q23		yes		"paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma"	familial paraganglioma	O	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"6392,ENSG00000204370,O14521,PGL,PGL1,SDHD"
SEPT5	septin 5	5413	22:19714590-19722485	2		22q11.21	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"2812,ENSG00000184702,PNUTL1,Q99719,SEPT5"
SEPT6	septin 6	23157	X:119618762-119693105	2		Xq24	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"23157,ENSG00000125354,Q14141,SEPT6"
SEPT9	septin 9	10801	17:77320327-77498658	2		17q25	yes		AML*			L	Dom	fusion	T	KMT2A			"10801,ENSG00000184640,MSF,Q9UHD8,SEPT9"
SET	SET translocation	6418	9:128689583-128694664	1		9q34	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NUP214			"6418,ENSG00000119335,Q01105,SET"
SETBP1	SET binding protein 1	26040	18:44701347-45063698	1		18q21.1	yes	yes	"aCML, sAML, MDS/MPN-U, CMML, JMML"	neuroepithelial tumours	Schinzel-Giedion syndrome	L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"Mis, T"	NUP98			"26040,ENSG00000152217,Q9Y6X0,SETBP1"
SETD1B	SET domain containing 1B	23067	12:121819473-121830240	2		12q24.31	yes		"CRC, endometrium"			E		TSG	"D, F"				"23067,ENSG00000139718,Q9UPS6,SETD1B"
SETD2	SET domain containing 2	29072	3:47017093-47123126	1		3p21.31	yes		clear cell renal carcinoma			E	Rec	TSG	"N, F, S, Mis"				"29072,ENSG00000181555,SETD2"
SETDB1	SET domain bifurcated 1	9869	1:150927715-150964364	2		1q21.3	yes		malignant mesothelioma			E		oncogene	"F, Mis"				"9869,ENSG00000143379,Q15047,SETDB1"
SF3B1	"splicing factor 3b, subunit 1, 155kDa"	23451	2:197392303-197434999	1		2q33.1	yes		myelodysplastic syndrome			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"23451,ENSG00000115524,O75533,SF3B1"
SFPQ	splicing factor proline/glutamine rich(polypyrimidine tract binding protein associated)	6421	1:35184456-35193049	1	Yes	1p34.3	yes		papillary renal			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	TFE3			"6421,ENSG00000116560,P23246,SFPQ"
SFRP4	secreted frizzled related protein 4	6424	7:37907479-37916537	1		7p14.1	yes		"colorectal cancer, melanoma, SCC, gastric cancer, oesophageal SCC"			E	Rec	TSG	Mis		yes	Pyle disease	"6424,ENSG00000106483,Q6FHJ7,SFRP4"
SGK1	serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1	6446	6:134170268-134174807	2		6q23.2	yes		Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma			L		oncogene	Mis				"6446,ENSG00000118515,O00141,SGK,SGK1"
SH2B3	SH2B adaptor protein 3	10019	12:111418146-111448302	1		12q24.12	yes		"MPN, sAML, erythrocytosis, B-ALL"			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N"		yes	"Coeliac disease type 13; diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent;"	"10019,ENSG00000111252,Q9UQQ2,SH2B3"
SH3GL1	SH3-domain GRB2-like 1 (EEN)	6455	19:4361600-4400368	1		19p13.3	yes		AL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"6455,ENSG00000141985,Q99961,SH3GL1"
SIRPA	signal regulatory protein alpha	140885	20:1895448-1937568	2		20p13	yes		"HNSCC, colorectal cancer, Lung SCC"			E		TSG	"O, F"				"140885,ENSG00000198053,P78324,PTPNS1,SIRPA"
SIX1	SIX homeobox 1	6495	14:60646283-60649189	1		14q23.1	yes		Wilms tumour			O		oncogene	Mis				"6495,DFNA23,ENSG00000126778,Q15475,SIX1"
SIX2	SIX homeobox 2	10736	2:45006170-45009110	2		2p21	yes		Wilms tumour			O		oncogene	Mis				"10736,ENSG00000170577,Q9NPC8,SIX2"
SKI	SKI proto-oncogene	6497	1:2228767-2306765	2		1p36.33-p36.32	yes		melanoma			E		oncogene	Mis				"6497,ENSG00000157933,P12755,SKI"
SLC34A2	"solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 2"	10568	4:25662501-25676749	1	Yes	4p15.2	yes		NSCLC			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	ROS1			"10568,ENSG00000157765,O95436,SLC34A2"
SLC45A3	"solute carrier family 45, member 3"	85414	1:205659234-205664656	1	Yes	1q32	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	"ETV1, ETV5, ELK4, ERG, BRAF"			"85414,ENSG00000158715,PCANAP2,PCANAP6,PCANAP8,Q96JT2,SLC45A3"
SMAD2	SMAD family member 2	4087	18:47841827-47896756	1	Yes	18q21	yes		"colorectal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma"			E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N"				"4087,ENSG00000175387,MADH2,Q15796,SMAD2"
SMAD3	SMAD family member 3	4088	15:67066155-67190536	1	Yes	15q21-q22	yes		"colorectal carcinoma, oral squamous cell carcinoma"			E	Rec	TSG	Mis				"4088,ENSG00000166949,MADH3,P84022,SMAD3"
SMAD4	SMAD family member 4	4089	18:51047047-51078467	1		18q21.1	yes	yes	"colorectal, pancreatic, small intestine"	gastrointestinal polyp	juvenile polyposis	E	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F"				"4089,ENSG00000141646,MADH4,Q13485,SMAD4"
SMARCA4	"SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4"	6597	19:10984152-11061816	1		19p13.2	yes		"NSCLC, SCCOHT"			E	Rec	TSG	"F, N, Mis, S"				"6597,ENSG00000127616,P51532,SMARCA4,SNF2L4"
SMARCB1	"SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily b, member 1"	6598	22:23787170-23834180	1		22q11	yes	yes	malignant rhabdoid	malignant rhabdoid	rhabdoid predisposition syndrome	M	Rec	TSG	"D, N, F, S"				"6598,ENSG00000099956,Q12824,SMARCB1,SNF5L1"
SMARCD1	"SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1"	6602	12:50085487-50099000	1		12q13-q14	yes		breast			E	Rec	TSG	N				"6602,ENSG00000066117,Q96GM5,SMARCD1"
SMARCE1	"SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily e, member 1"	6605	17:40628785-40645626	1		17q21.2		yes		meningioma		O	Rec	TSG	"F, Mis, N"				"6605,ENSG00000073584,Q969G3,SMARCE1"
SMC1A	structural maintenance of chromosomes 1A	8243	X:53380103-53422600	2		Xp11.22	yes		AML			L		TSG	Mis		yes	Cornelia de Lange syndrome	"8243,ENSG00000072501,Q14683,SMC1A,SMC1L1"
SMO	smoothened homolog (Drosophila)	6608	7:129189152-129212451	1		7q31-q32	yes		skin basal cell			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"6608,ENSG00000128602,Q99835,SMO,SMOH"
SND1	staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1	27044	7:127652374-128092058	1		7q31.3	yes		pancreas acinar carcinoma			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	BRAF			"27044,ENSG00000197157,Q7KZF4,SND1"
SOCS1	suppressor of cytokine signaling 1	8651	16:11254843-11255478	1		16p13.13	yes		"Hodgkin lymphoma, PMBL"			L	Rec	TSG	"F, O"				"8651,ENSG00000185338,O15524,SOCS1"
SOX2	SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2	6657	3:181712361-181713314	1		3q26.3-q27	yes		"NSCLC, oesophageal squamous carcinoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	A		yes	Microphthalmia and oesophageal atresia syndrome	"6657,ENSG00000181449,P48431,SOX2"
SOX21	SRY-box 21	11166	13:94711219-94712049	2		13q32.1	yes		multiple myeloma			L		TSG	D				"11166,ENSG00000125285,Q9Y651,SOX21"
SPECC1	sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1	92521	17:20096653-20314066	2		17p11.2	yes		JMML			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRB			"92521,CYTSB,ENSG00000128487,Q5M775,SPECC1"
SPEN	spen family transcriptional repressor	23013	1:15848068-15939427	1		1p36	yes		"SMZL, adenoid cystic carcinoma, DLBCL"			L	Rec	TSG	"F, Mis, N"				"23013,ENSG00000065526,Q96T58,SPEN"
SPOP	speckle type POZ protein	8405	17:49600378-49622810	1	Yes	17q21.33	yes	yes	"prostate, endometrial"	prostate cancer		E	Rec	TSG	Mis				"8405,ENSG00000121067,O43791,SPOP"
SRC	"SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase"	6714	20:37384154-37403379	1		20q11.23	yes		"colorectal cancer, endometrial carcinoma"			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"				"6714,ENSG00000197122,P12931,SRC,SRC1"
SRGAP3	SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3	9901	3:8985519-9248951	2		3p25.3	yes		pilocytic astrocytoma			O	Dom	fusion	T	RAF1			"9901,ENSG00000196220,O43295,SRGAP2,SRGAP3"
SRSF2	serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2	6427	17:76736161-76737160	1		17q25	yes		"MDS, CLL"			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"6427,ENSG00000161547,Q01130,SFRS2,SRSF2"
SRSF3	serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3	6428	6:36596763-36601989	1		6p21	yes		follicular lymphoma			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	BCL6			"6428,ENSG00000112081,P84103,SFRS3,SRSF3"
SS18	"synovial sarcoma translocation, chromosome 18"	6760	18:26018354-26090569	1		18q11.2	yes		synovial sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	"SSX1,  SSX2, SSX4"			"6760,ENSG00000141380,Q15532,SS18,SSXT"
SS18L1	synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18-like 1	26039	20:62143822-62179209	1		20q13.3	yes		synovial sarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	SSX1			"26039,ENSG00000184402,O75177,SS18L1"
SSX1	"synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 1"	6756	X:48257242-48266387	1		Xp11.23-p11.22	yes		synovial sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	SS18			"6756,ENSG00000126752,Q16384,SSX1"
SSX2	"synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2"	6757	X:52752681-52789480	1		Xp11.23-p11.22	yes		synovial sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	SS18			"6757,ENSG00000241476,Q16385,SSX,SSX2"
SSX4	"synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 4"	6759	X:48391869-48411372	1		Xp11.23	yes		synovial sarcoma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	SS18			"6759,ENSG00000204645,O60224,SSX4"
STAG1	stromal antigen 1	10274	3:136338254-136630898	2		3q22.3	yes		"colorectal cancer, AML"			"E, L"		TSG	"Mis, N"				"10274,ENSG00000118007,Q8WVM7,STAG1"
STAG2	stromal antigen 2	10735	X:124022628-124100597	1		Xq25	yes		"bladder carcinoma, glioblastoma, melanoma, Ewing's sarcoma, myeloid neoplasms"			"E, L, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"10735,ENSG00000101972,Q8N3U4,STAG2"
STAT3	signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)	6774	17:42315745-42348516	1		17q21.31	yes	yes	T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia	paediatric large granular lymphocytic leukaemia		L	Dom	oncogene	"Mis,O"		yes	IPEX-like syndrome	"6774,ENSG00000168610,P40763,STAT3"
STAT5B	signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B	6777	17:42201738-42232127	1		17q11.2	yes		"large granular lymphocytic leukaemia, skin basal cell, APL"			"L, E"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"Mis, O, T"	RARA	yes	IPEX-like syndrome	"6777,ENSG00000173757,P51692,STAT5B"
STAT6	"signal transducer and activator of transcription 6, interleukin-4 induced"	6778	12:57096572-57108278	1		12q13	yes		"solitary fibrous tumour, meningeal haemangiopericytoma"			"M, O"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	NAB2			"6778,ENSG00000166888,P42226,STAT6"
STIL	SCL/TAL1 interrupting locus	6491	1:47251136-47310319	1		1p32	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TAL1			"6491,ENSG00000123473,Q15468,SIL,STIL"
STK11	serine/threonine kinase 11 gene (LKB1)	6794	19:1206914-1226647	1		19p13.3	yes	yes	"NSCLC, pancreatic"	"jejunal hamartoma, ovarian, testicular, pancreatic"	Peutz-Jeghers syndrome	"E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"6794,ENSG00000118046,Q15831,STK11"
STRN	"striatin, calmodulin binding protein"	6801	2:36849456-36966463	1		2p22.2	yes		"anaplastic thyroid, papillary thyroid, lung"			E	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"6801,ENSG00000115808,O43815,STRN"
SUFU	suppressor of fused homolog (Drosophila)	51684	10:102504153-102630155	1		10q24.32	yes	yes	medulloblastoma	medulloblastoma	medulloblastoma predisposition	O	Rec	TSG	"D, F, S"				"51684,ENSG00000107882,Q9UMX1,SUFU"
SUZ12	suppressor of zeste 12 homolog (Drosophila)	23512	17:31937247-31999003	1	Yes	17q11.2	yes		endometrial stromal tumour			M	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	JAZF1			"23512,ENSG00000178691,Q15022,SUZ12"
SYK	spleen tyrosine kinase	6850	9:90843899-90895600	1		9q22	yes		"MDS, peripheral T-cell lymphoma"			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"ETV6, ITK"			"6850,ENSG00000165025,P43405,SYK"
TAF15	"TAF15 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 68kDa"	8148	17:35809571-35846946	1		17q11.1-q11.2	yes		"extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, ALL"			"L, M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"NR4A3, CHN1, ZNF384"			"8148,ENSG00000172660,Q92804,TAF15,TAF2N"
TAL1	T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1 (SCL)	6886	1:47219720-47225888	1		1p32	yes		lymphoblastic leukaemia/biphasic			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"TRD, STIL"			"6886,ENSG00000162367,P17542,TAL1,TCL5"
TAL2	T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 2	6887	9:108424779-108425393	1		9q31	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRB			
TBL1XR1	transducin (beta)-like 1 X-linked receptor 1	79718	3:177025498-177064977	1	Yes	3q26.32	yes		"splenic marginal zone lymphoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma, colorectal carcinoma, gallbladder carcinoma"			"L, E, M"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"F, Mis"				"79718,ENSG00000177565,Q9BZK7,TBL1XR1"
TBX3	T-box 3	6926	12:114671841-114683200	1		12q24.21	yes		"breast, large intestine, skin"			E	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N, F, O"		yes	ulnar-mammary syndrome	"6926,ENSG00000135111,O15119,TBX3,UMS"
TCEA1	"transcription elongation factor A (SII), 1"	6917	8:53970288-53984488	1		8q11.2	yes		salivary adenoma			E	Dom	fusion	T	PLAG1			"6917,ENSG00000187735,TCEA1"
TCF12	"transcription factor 12 (HTF4, helix-loop-helix transcription factors 4)"	6938	15:56919914-57288514	1		15q21	yes		extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma			M	Dom	fusion	T	NR4A3			"6938,ENSG00000140262,Q99081,TCF12"
TCF3	transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47)	6929	19:1611707-1650248	1		19p13.3	yes		pre B-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	"PBX1, HLF, TFPT"			"6929,ENSG00000071564,P15923,TCF3"
TCF7L2	transcription factor 7-like 2	6934	10:112950757-113165972	1	Yes	10q25.3	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	VTI1A			"6934,ENSG00000148737,Q9NQB0,TCF4,TCF7L2"
TCL1A	T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1A	8115	14:95711755-95714066	1	Yes	14q32.1	yes		T-CLL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	TRA			"8115,ENSG00000100721,P56279,TCL1A"
TEC	tec protein tyrosine kinase	7006	4:48137416-48228614	2		4p12-p11	yes		myxoid chondrosarcoma			M		"oncogene, fusion"	T				"7006,ENSG00000135605,P42680,TEC"
TERT	telomerase reverse transcriptase	7015	5:1253728-1294989	1	Yes	5p15.33	yes	yes	"melanoma, glioblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, bladder, skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, mesothelioma, medulloblastoma, other tumour types"	melanoma		"E, O"	Dom	"oncogene, TSG"	Promoter Mis		yes	"Dyskeratosis congenita, Telomere-related pulmonary fibrosis and/or bone marrow failure  1"	"7015,ENSG00000164362,O14746,TERT"
TET1	tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1	80312	10:68572340-68691815	1	Yes	10q21	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	KMT2A			"80312,CXXC6,ENSG00000138336,Q8NFU7,TET1"
TET2	tet oncogene family member 2	54790	4:105233943-105276519	1		4q24	yes		MDS			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"54790,ENSG00000168769,KIAA1546,Q6N021,TET2"
TFE3	transcription factor binding to IGHM enhancer 3	7030	X:49030158-49043226	1	Yes	Xp11.22	yes		"papillary renal, alveolar soft part sarcoma, renal"			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"SFPQ, ASPSCR1, PRCC, NONO, CLTC"			"7030,ENSG00000068323,P19532,TFE3"
TFEB	transcription factor EB	7942	6:41684599-41691213	1		6p21	yes		renal cell carcinoma (childhood epithelioid)			"E,M"	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	ALPHA			"7942,ENSG00000112561,P19484,TFEB"
TFG	TRK-fused gene	10342	3:100713687-100748532	1		3q11-q12	yes		"papillary thyroid, ALCL, NSCLC, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma"			"E, L, M"	Dom	fusion	T	"NTRK1, ALK, NR4A3"			"10342,ENSG00000114354,Q92734,TFG"
TFPT	TCF3 (E2A) fusion partner (in childhood leukaemia)	29844	19:54107050-54115269	2		19q13	yes		pre-B ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	TCF3			"29844,ENSG00000105619,P0C1Z6,TFPT"
TFRC	"transferrin receptor (p90, CD71)"	7037	3:196051942-196077099	2		3q29	yes		NHL			L	Dom	fusion	T	BCL6			"7037,ENSG00000072274,P02786,TFRC"
TGFBR2	transforming growth factor beta receptor II	7048	3:30606884-30691599	1	Yes	3p22	yes	yes	"head and neck, colorectal"	colorectal	Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer type 6	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, F, N"		yes	Loeys-Dietz syndrome 2	"7048,ENSG00000163513,MFS2,P37173,TGFBR2"
THRAP3	thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3 (TRAP150)	9967	1:36282564-36304017	2		1p34.3	yes		aneurysmal bone cyst			M	Dom	fusion	T	USP6			"9967,ENSG00000054118,Q9Y2W1,THRAP3"
TLX1	"T-cell leukemia, homeobox 1 (HOX11)"	3195	10:101131543-101136914	1		10q24	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"TRB, TRD"			"3195,ENSG00000107807,HOX11,P31314,TCL3,TLX1"
TLX3	"T-cell leukemia, homeobox 3 (HOX11L2)"	30012	5:171309367-171311600	1		5q35.1	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	BCL11B			"30012,ENSG00000164438,HOX11L2,O43711,TLX3"
TMEM127	transmembrane protein 127	55654	2:96253808-96265381	1		2q11.2		yes		"pheochromocytoma, renal cell carcinoma"		"O, E"	Rec	TSG	"F, N"				"55654,ENSG00000135956,O75204,TMEM127"
TMPRSS2	"transmembrane protease, serine 2"	7113	21:41466142-41498133	1	Yes	21q22.3	yes		prostate			E	Dom	fusion	T	"ERG, ETV1, ETV4, ETV5"			"7113,ENSG00000184012,O15393,TMPRSS2"
TNC	tenascin C	3371	9:115021157-115091018	2		9q33.1	yes		"SCC, melanoma"			E		oncogene	Mis				"3371,DFNA56,ENSG00000041982,HXB,P24821,TNC"
TNFAIP3	"tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 3"	7128	6:137871228-137881319	1	Yes	6q23	yes		"marginal zone B-cell lymphomas, Hodgkin lymphoma, PMBL"			L	Rec	TSG	"D, N, F"				"7128,ENSG00000118503,P21580,TNFAIP3"
TNFRSF14	"tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 14 (herpesvirus entry mediator)"	8764	1:2556665-2563273	1		1p36.32	yes		follicular lymphoma			L	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F"				"8764,ENSG00000157873,Q92956,TNFRSF14"
TNFRSF17	"tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 17"	608	16:11965325-11967847	1		16p13.1	yes		intestinal T-cell lymphoma			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IL2			"608,BCMA,ENSG00000048462,Q02223,TNFRSF17"
TOP1	topoisomerase (DNA) I	7150	20:41029068-41123297	1		20q12-q13.1	yes		AML*			L	Dom	fusion	T	NUP98			"7150,ENSG00000198900,P11387,TOP1"
TP53	tumor protein p53	7157	17:7669609-7676594	1	Yes	17p13	yes	yes	"breast, colorectal, lung, sarcoma, adrenocortical, glioma, Spitzoid tumour, multiple other tumour types"	"breast, sarcoma, adrenocortical carcinoma, glioma, multiple other tumour types"	Li-Fraumeni syndrome	"L, E, M, O"	Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"Mis, N, F, T"	NTRK1			"7157,ENSG00000141510,P04637,TP53"
TP63	tumor protein p63	8626	3:189631516-189894502	1	Yes	3q28	yes	yes	"HNSCC, DLBCL"	NSCLC		E		"oncogene, TSG"	"Mis, N, T"	TBL1XR1	yes	"associated with Hay-Wells syndrome, ADULT syndrome, ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and cleft lip/palate syndrome (EEC), acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth syndrome, limb mammary syndrome, Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome, split hand-split foot malformation"	"8626,ENSG00000073282,Q9H3D4,TP53CP,TP53L,TP63,TP73L"
TPM3	tropomyosin 3	7170	1:154157639-154183119	1		1q22-q23	yes		"papillary thyroid, ALCL, NSCLC, Spitzoid tumour"			"E, L"	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"NTRK1, ALK, ROS1"			"7170,ENSG00000143549,NEM1,P06753,TPM3"
TPM4	tropomyosin 4	7171	19:16076567-16101347	1		19p13.1	yes		ALCL			L	Dom	fusion	T	ALK			"7171,ENSG00000167460,P67936,TPM4"
TPR	translocated promoter region	7175	1:186313971-186375028	1		1q25	yes		"papillary thyroid, NSCLC"			E	Dom	fusion	T	"NTRK1, ALK"			"7175,ENSG00000047410,P12270,TPR"
TRA	T cell receptor alpha locus	6955	14:-	1		14q11.2	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	"ATL,OLIG2, MYC, TCL1A, TCL6, MTCP1, TCL6"			
TRAF7	tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 7	84231	16:2163921-2176574	1		16p13.3	yes		meningioma			O	Dom	TSG	Mis				"84231,ENSG00000131653,Q6Q0C0,RFWD1,TRAF7"
TRB	T cell receptor beta locus	6957	7:-	1		7q34	yes		T-ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	"HOX11, LCK, NOTCH1, TAL2, LYL1"			
TRD	T cell receptor delta locus	6964	14:-	1		14q11.2	yes		T-cell leukaemia			L	Dom	fusion	T	"TAL1, HOX11, TLX1, LMO1, LMO2, RANBP17"			
TRIM24	tripartite motif containing 24	8805	7:138460549-138584951	1		7q32-q34	yes		APL			L	Dom	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	T	RARA			"8805,ENSG00000122779,O15164,TIF1,TRIM24"
TRIM27	tripartite motif-containing 27	5987	6:28904070-28923632	1		6p22	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	RET			"5987,ENSG00000204713,P14373,RFP,TRIM27"
TRIM33	"tripartite motif-containing 33 (PTC7,TIF1G)"	51592	1:114397648-114511076	1		1p13	yes		papillary thyroid			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RET			"51592,ENSG00000197323,Q9UPN9,TRIM33"
TRIP11	thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11	9321	14:91969673-92039685	1		14q31-q32	yes		AML			L	Dom	fusion	T	PDGFRB			"9321,ENSG00000100815,Q15643,TRIP11"
TRRAP	transformation/transcription domain-associated protein	8295	7:98881151-99012355	1		7q21.2-q22.1	yes		melanoma			E	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"8295,ENSG00000196367,Q9Y4A5,TRRAP"
TSC1	tuberous sclerosis 1 gene	7248	9:132896235-132928872	1		9q34	yes	yes	"renal cell carcinoma, bladder carcinoma"	"hamartoma, renal cell carcinoma, tuberous sclerosis tuber"	Tuberous sclerosis 1	"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"7248,ENSG00000165699,Q92574,TSC,TSC1"
TSC2	tuberous sclerosis 2 gene	7249	16:2048616-2088610	1		16p13.3	yes	yes	"pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), renal angiomyolipoma, HNSCC"	"hamartoma, renal cell carcinoma, tuberous sclerosis tuber"	Tuberous sclerosis 2	"E, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"7249,ENSG00000103197,P49815,TSC2,TSC4"
TSHR	thyroid stimulating hormone receptor	7253	14:80955681-81144353	1		14q31	yes	yes	toxic thyroid adenoma	thyroid adenoma		E	Dom	oncogene	Mis		yes	"Hereditary nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism; subclinical hypothyroidism"	"7253,ENSG00000165409,TSHR"
U2AF1	U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1	7307	21:43093102-43107494	1		21q22.3	yes		"CLL, MDS"			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"7307,ENSG00000160201,Q01081,U2AF1,U2AFBP"
UBR5	ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5	51366	8:102254302-102412234	1		8q22	yes		"mantle cell lymphoma, gastric, colorectal"			"L, E"	Rec	TSG	"F, N, Mis, S"				"51366,EDD1,ENSG00000104517,O95071,UBR5"
USP44	ubiquitin specific peptidase 44	84101	12:95518154-95534256	2		12q21.33	yes		"lung cancer, colon cancer"			E		TSG	D				"84101,ENSG00000136014,Q9H0E7,USP44"
USP6	ubiquitin specific peptidase 6 (Tre-2 oncogene)	9098	17:5130368-5148597	1		17p13	yes		aneurysmal bone cyst			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	"COL1A1, CDH11, CNBP, OMD, THRAP3"			"9098,ENSG00000129204,HRP1,P35125,TRESMCR,USP6"
USP8	ubiquitin specific peptidase 8	9101	15:50439074-50499088	1	Yes	15q21.1	yes		corticotroph adenoma			E	Dom	oncogene	"Mis, N"				"9101,ENSG00000138592,P40818,USP8"
VAV1	vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1	7409	19:6772808-6857107	2		19p13.3	yes		T-cell lymphoma			L		fusion	"T, O"	"THAP4, MYO1F, S100A7"			"7409,ENSG00000141968,VAV,VAV1"
VHL	von Hippel-Lindau syndrome gene	7428	3:10141848-10149965	1	Yes	3p25	yes	yes	"renal, haemangioma, pheochromocytoma"	"renal, haemangioma, pheochromocytoma"	Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome	"E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"D, Mis, N, F, S"				"7428,ENSG00000134086,P40337,VHL"
VTI1A	vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homolog 1A	143187	10:112447374-112815383	2		10q25.2	yes		colorectal			E	Dom	fusion	T	TCF7L2			"143187,ENSG00000151532,Q96AJ9,VTI1A"
WAS	Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome	7454	X:48683854-48691162	1	Yes	Xp11.23-p11.22		yes		lymphoma	Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome	L	Rec/X	oncogene	"Mis, N, F, S"				"7454,ENSG00000015285,IMD2,P42768,THC,WAS"
WHSC1	Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1(MMSET)	7468	4:1900655-1978909	1		4p16.3	yes		MM			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	IGH			"7468,ENSG00000109685,O96028,WHSC1"
WHSC1L1	Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1 (NSD3)	54904	8:38317956-38348171	1		8p12	yes		AML			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	"T, A"	NUP98			"54904,ENSG00000147548,Q9BZ95,WHSC1L1"
WIF1	WNT inhibitory factor 1	11197	12:65051349-65121191	1	Yes	12q14.3	yes		pleomorphic salivary gland adenoma			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	HMGA2			"11197,ENSG00000156076,Q9Y5W5,WIF1"
WNK2	WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 2	65268	9:93184972-93318027	2		9q22.31	yes		gastric cancer			E		TSG	Mis				"65268,ENSG00000165238,PRKWNK2,Q9Y3S1,WNK2"
WRN	Werner syndrome (RECQL2)	7486	8:31058448-31173102	1		8p12-p11.2		yes		"osteosarcoma, meningioma, other tumour types"	Werner syndrome	"L, E, M, O"	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"7486,ENSG00000165392,Q14191,WRN"
WT1	Wilms tumour 1 gene	7490	11:32389058-32435141	1		11p13	yes	yes	"Wilms tumour, desmoplastic small round cell tumour"	Wilms tumour	"Denys-Drash syndrome, Frasier syndrome, familial Wilms tumour"	O	Rec	"oncogene, TSG, fusion"	"D, Mis, N, F, S, T"	EWSR1			"7490,ENSG00000184937,GUD,WT1"
WWTR1	WW domain containing transcription regulator 1	25937	3:149520805-149657306	1		3q23-q24	yes		epithelioid haemangioendothelioma			M	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	CAMTA1			"25937,ENSG00000018408,Q9GZV5,WWTR1"
XPA	"xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A"	7507	9:97675439-97697292	1		9q22.3		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (A)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"7507,ENSG00000136936,P23025,XPA"
XPC	"xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group C"	7508	3:14145941-14178568	1		3p25		yes		"skin basal cell, skin squamous cell, melanoma"	xeroderma pigmentosum (C)	E	Rec	TSG	"Mis, N, F, S"				"7508,ENSG00000154767,Q01831,XPC"
XPO1	"exportin 1 (CRM1 homolog, yeast)"	7514	2:61478820-61533897	1	Yes	2p15	yes		CLL			L	Dom	oncogene	Mis				"7514,ENSG00000082898,O14980,XPO1"
YWHAE	"tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, epsilon polypeptide (14-3-3 epsilon)"	7531	17:1345447-1400110	1		17p13.3	yes		endometrial stromal sarcoma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	"NUTM2A, NUTM2B"	yes	Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndrome	"7531,ENSG00000108953,P62258,YWHAE"
ZBTB16	zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16	7704	11:114063302-114250556	1	Yes	11q23.1	yes		APL			L	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	RARA			"7704,ENSG00000109906,Q05516,ZBTB16,ZNF145"
ZCCHC8	"zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 8"	55596	12:122473497-122500840	2		12q24.31	yes		Spitzoid tumour			E	Dom	fusion	T	ROS1			"55596,ENSG00000033030,Q6NZY4,ZCCHC8"
ZEB1	zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1	6935	10:31319235-31527264	2		10p11.22	yes		"CCRCC, melanoma"			E		oncogene	Mis				"6935,ENSG00000148516,P37275,PPCD3,TCF8,ZEB1"
ZFHX3	zinc finger homeobox 3	463	16:72787164-72960145	1	Yes	16q22.3	yes		"endometrial, gastric, prostate"			E	Dom	TSG	"Mis, N"				"463,ATBF1,ENSG00000140836,Q15911,ZFHX3"
ZMYM3	zinc finger MYM-type containing 3	9203	X:71240916-71253255	2		Xq13.1	yes		"CRC, breast cancer"			E		TSG	F				"9203,ENSG00000147130,Q14202,ZMYM3,ZNF261"
ZNF198	zinc finger protein 198	7750	13:19993073-20086014	1		13q11-q12	yes		"MPN, NHL"			L	Dom	fusion	T	FGFR1			"7750,ENSG00000121741,Q9UBW7,ZMYM2,ZNF198"
ZNF278	zinc finger protein 278 (ZSG)	23598	22:31326891-31345602	1		22q12-q14	yes		Ewing sarcoma			M	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	EWSR1			"23598,ENSG00000100105,PATZ1,Q9HBE1,ZNF278"
ZNF331	zinc finger protein 331	55422	19:53569378-53577953	1		19q13.3-q13.4	yes		follicular thyroid adenoma			E	Dom	"TSG, fusion"	T	?			"55422,ENSG00000130844,Q9NQX6,ZNF331"
ZNF384	zinc finger protein 384 (CIZ/NMP4)	171017	12:6667714-6679520	1		12p13	yes		ALL			L	Dom	fusion	T	"EWSR1, TAF15"			"171017,ENSG00000126746,Q8TF68,TNRC1,ZNF384"
ZNF429	zinc finger protein 429	353088	19:21505772-21538078	2		19p12	yes		GBM			O			Mis				"353088,ENSG00000197013,Q86V71,ZNF429"
ZNF479	zinc finger protein 479	90827	7:57119840-57132324	2		7p11.2	yes		"lung cancer, bladder carcinoma, prostate carcinoma"			E			Mis				"90827,ENSG00000185177,Q96JC4,ZNF479"
ZNF521	zinc finger protein 521	25925	18:25062712-25350946	1		18q11.2	yes		ALL			L	Dom	"oncogene, fusion"	T	PAX5			"25925,ENSG00000198795,Q96K83,ZNF521"
ZNRF3	zinc and ring finger 3	84133	22:28987076-29053622	2		22q12.1	yes		"colorectal cancer, adrenocortical carcinoma, gastric cancer"			E		TSG	"N, F, Mis"				"84133,ENSG00000183579,Q9ULT6,ZNRF3"
ZRSR2	"zinc finger (CCCH type), RNA-binding motif and serine/arginine rich 2"	8233	X:15790496-15823242	1		Xp22.1	yes		"MDS, CLL"			L	Rec	TSG	"F, S, Mis"				"8233,ENSG00000169249,Q15696,U2AF1L2,ZRSR2"