Quantum Steampunk: Quantum Information, Thermodynamics, Their Intersection, and Applications Thereof Across Physics
AbstractCombining quantum information theory (QIT) with thermodynamics unites 21st-century technology with 19th-century principles. The union elucidates the spread of information, the flow of time, and the leveraging of energy. This thesis contributes to the theory of quantum thermodynamics, particularly to QIT thermodynamics. The thesis also contains applications of the theory, wielded as a toolkit, across physics. Fields touched on include atomic, molecular, and optical physics; nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; condensed matter; high-energy physics; and chemistry. I propose the name quantum steampunk for this program. The term derives from the steampunk genre of literature, art, and cinema that juxtaposes futuristic technologies with 19th-century settings. Item Type: | Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.)) |
Subject Keywords: | Quantum information, thermodynamics, theoretical physics |
Degree Grantor: | California Institute of Technology |
Division: | Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy |
Major Option: | Physics |
Awards: | Barbara Groce Graduate Fellowship (PMA Division, Caltech, Mar.–June. 2018).
KITP Graduate Fellowship (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, U. of California at Santa Barbara, July–Dec. 2017).
Burke Graduate Student Fellowship (Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, Caltech, Jan.–June 2017).
IQIM Graduate Fellowship (Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Caltech, NSF, and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Oct. 2014–Oct. 2015).
Virginia Gilloon Fellowship (Caltech, Oct. 2013–Oct. 2014). |
Thesis Availability: | Public (worldwide access) |
Research Advisor(s): | |
Group: | Institute for Quantum Information and Matter |
Thesis Committee: | - Preskill, John P. (chair)
- Brandao, Fernando
- Chen, Xie
- Endres, Manuel A.
Defense Date: | 25 May 2018 |
Non-Caltech Author Email: | nicoleyh.11 (AT) gmail.com |
Additional Information: | The author's last (family) name is "Yunger Halpern." |
Funders: | Funding Agency | Grant Number |
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Caltech | PHY-0803371, PHY-1125565, GBMF-2644 | Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, Caltech | UNSPECIFIED | Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics | PHY-1125915 | Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) | Large Grant for "Time and the Structure of Quantum Theory" |
Projects: | Quantum equilibration in many-body systems, Athermality as a resource in work extraction from quantum many-body systems: MBL-mobile, Athermality as a resource in information processing: Quantum information in quantum cognition, Non-Abelian thermal state, Resource theories for thermodynamics, Fluctuation relations and one-shot information theory |
Record Number: | CaltechTHESIS:05262018-061607919 |
Persistent URL: | https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05262018-061607919 |
DOI: | 10.7907/96EJ-N815 |
Related URLs: | |
ORCID: | |
Default Usage Policy: | No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided. |
ID Code: | 10942 |
Collection: | CaltechTHESIS |
Deposited By: |
Nicole Yunger Halpern
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2018 20:57 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jun 2023 22:29 |
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